Chapter 3- Tell Me

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Rumple’s POV:

I watched behind the trees as my father tucked his little girlfriend into bed. When he felt she was asleep, he emerged from the tent.

“Alright Rumple,” Pan said as he walked closer to me, “What is it? Pull anything and your shadow is gone. Mine is waiting nearby.” I snaked my way out of hiding and sneered.

“I’d like to make a deal, Papa.” Pan rolled his eyes and smirked.

“After you hurt the love of my life and rip out my heart? No. Shadow!” Darkness began to creep over me. Pan turned around and began walking back to his tent. I smirked.

“See, funny thing is, if you don’t accept, I’m going to hurt your Crystal… permanently.” Pan stopped in his tracks and turned around.

“What?” He asked, sternly. I grinned.

“You heard me. If you don’t accept my deal, I’ll kill your little girlfriend.”

Pan huffed his chest.

“What’s the deal?”

“I’ve always wanted power, and now I can get it. I want your shadow to return to you. That way I can control you. You abandoned me, so this is my payback. Failure to do so will result in your little lost girl’s death.” Pan shifted his eyes.

He always gave everyone a choice. Now it was time for his. Pan’s eyes looked up and he straightened himself.

“Deal,” he frowned, “But only because I love my girl.”


Crystal’s POV:

I laid there for what seemed like hours until Felix entered the tent. He smiled and leaned against the bed.

“Ready to go, love?” My eyes shifted as I sat up and looked him in the eyes. I could easily tell that there was something going on that I didn’t know about.

“What?” He asked.

“Felix, what’s wrong? Something’s up, isn’t there?” I frowned. Felix just shook his head… in the most fake way I could ever see. I gave him my famous ‘come on, don’t lie’ look.

“There’s nothing going on, Crystal. I prom-” I jumped up and gripped his cloak, looking him in the eyes. Darnit for me being so short…

“Don’t promise something you can’t tell, Felix… I know there’s something going on. Please. I need to know. I have a right.” Felix sighed and pulled me into a hug and rocked me gently.

 I was more confused than I could even fathom at the moment.

“Crystal, sweetheart, you need to understand I just can’t. You’ll find out soon enough from Pan, okay?” I sighed and nodded slowly, disappointed. What could Peter be hiding? I thought to myself as we walked out of the tent and heading to our hunting grounds.

“By the way,” Felix said once we reached our clearing near Mermaid Lagoon, “We’re going to be out here for about five hours, alright?” I turned on my heels and threw my bow on the ground.

“WHAT IS GOING ON?!” I yelled, completely losing all of my patience.

“I CAN’T TELL YOU!” Felix snapped back. I could tell that the desperately wanted to tell me, but he must’ve had orders from Peter not too. Going against Peter’s orders is an unwise choice.

My chest huffed up and down as I sighed, relaxing myself.

“When will I find out then?” I asked. Felix sat on a log and shrugged.

“Tonight, maybe tomorrow… it all depends on what happens.” I rolled my eyes.

“Look I’m SORRY but I can’t tell!” Felix yelled as he placed his face in his hands. I threw my hands in the air in silence before taking a breath and sitting beside him, pulling him into a hug.

“It’s not your fault, I just want to know if everything is going to be okay.” Felix shrugged.

“I wish I could tell you that it will be… in all honesty, I don’t think this will go over well at all.” I suddenly became overwhelmed with the thought of what was going on and I laid down, placing my head in Felix’s lap.

He sighed and placed a gentle hand on mine.

“Can you at least tell me something, Felix?”

“What is it?”

“Is there something wrong with Peter?” I asked, looking him in the eyes. Felix looked down at me and frowned.

“Yes,” he murmured, “There is…”


Peter’s POV:

I headed to the tent and breathed a sigh of relief to see that Crystal hadn’t returned yet. My hands searched my writing desk as I fiddled to find some paper and a pen to write out my explanation.

On one page, I wrote of my consultation with Rumple and the deal I had made to save her life. On a different page I wrote of my undying love for her. I prayed she’d read it in her own understanding way.

A gust of wind burst through the tent, and in a second it was gone. My shadow towered over me and sighed.

“There is nothing I can do. I made a promise, and once you made a promise it can’t be undone. You will be poisoned at midnight, and then you and I will become one again… this will enable Rumple to use me as his weapon down in Storybrooke or wherever he wishes. I’m sorry…” My shadow nodded and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“I’m sorry too,” it said in its deep voice, “I wish there as another way in order to keep your love safe.” I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

“The trouble is, Shadow, that I will always no matter what, love Crystal… but when the poisonous control takes over, I may forget that as the curse takes its toll on us.”

I looked out the tent flap and heard the sounds of Felix and Crystal coming closer.

Now, it was time to tell her the truth.

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