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Hi to all my wonderful readers! I am so extremely sorry that words cannot even begin to describe how sorry I am for not updating. :( It's been a very, very busy summer for me! With school coming it will get busy again, and I got a job as a hostess at Boston Pizza here so that shall snag my weekends. NONETHELESS! An update is coming up :)

Send me messages, I want to get to know who my readers are and what type of things they are into! :* and if they have discovered a new addiction. For example myself thanks to my tumblr sister @batchesofwinchestersandfandoms (go check her out or you can see her imagine blog at @parkercroftimagines) who told me of a paranormal show called Ghost Adventures. It's only been a week and I'm on season 5, and there are 9 seasons. XD

Love you all so much and I'm sorry again! <3


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Check me out on tumblr at @petersonlylostgirl

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