Chapter 7- Kiss & Kill

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Crystal's POV:

"Peter," I giggled, "I can walk! You don't need to carry me all the way up the cliff!" Peter smiled and squeezed me tighter. He had been carrying me in a cradle ever since we left the tent.

"I know," he said pecking a kiss on my cheek, "But beautiful damsels simply do NOT walk on foot up a cliff before they leap off!" I laughed and placed my face in the crook of his neck.

We reached the top of the cliff where we had jumped on my first flight. Sadly, this was going to be our second and last time on the cliff... unless he was going to push me off of it.

Peter set me down and pulled me into a protective hug. I smiled as I inhaled his scent and held him closer to me. Peter stroked my hair and sighed before pressing a kiss to the top of my head and taking my hand. He pulled out the pixie dust and grinned.

"Ready?" He cheekily grinned, opening the bottle. I nodded, a little nervous about flying again.

"On the count of three then..." Peter said clasping my hand in his, "One, two...THREE!" We ran as fast as we could to gain momentum and leaped off the edge of the cliff. Green sparkles illuminated the two of us as we began flying.

"I-I didn't fall this time!" I stuttered, utterly shocked that I wasn't already dead. Peter gripped my hand tighter as we soared through the air.

Below us we saw the mermaids swimming in the lagoon, some of whom were giving me hateful stares for being with their darling Peter. One even shot water up at me, soaking me to the bone.

"HEY!" Peter yelled in an angry tone of voice I had never heard before, "LEAVE MY LOST GIRL ALONE!" I blushed to myself as I was instantly dry from the breeze. Peter wrapped an arm around my waist as we flew.

The sun was beginning to set as we returned to the beach. Without warning, Peter let go of me and I began to fall. Not again! I thought to myself as I bolted towards the water.

SPLASH! I was suddenly surrounded by darkness in the water. I surfaced and looked around to see where Peter was. Above I saw him zooming towards me yelling something I couldn't make out.

Something grabbed my leg and pulled me under the water. I struggled against the creature and finally broke free, but before I could surface there were a dozen more hands prying me down. I began swallowing water and losing my vision.

Above me I heard echoes of wolf calls and hollers. THE LOST BOYS! Dozens of arrows began shooting through the water. The creatures began swimming away as I became weak. Water had almost drowned me internally before a hand reached down and pulled me out.

I don't remember anything after that.


Peter's POV:

"Wake up, darnit wake up!" I cried as I pushed on Crystal's chest, trying to pump out water. I placed my head down to her chest, listening for a heartbeat. She had one but it was weak.

"Crystal," I moaned, "Please wake up..."

Behind me the boys were standing there petrified. Holding their weapons to their chests, staring at Crystal lying on the ground. Felix stood behind me and rested a hand on my shoulder as I placed my face in my hands and cried.

"What do I do?" I asked muffled.

"You know exactly what to do." Felix said simply. I nodded and carefully wiped my tears. I pulled Crystal up to my chest and gently stroked her face. I leaned down and placed my lips to hers.

In an instant Crystal began coughing up water. I kept her red hair back and rubbed her back as she practically threw up her life onto the sand. You were never good with swallowing water...especially magical water... I smirked to myself.

Crystal flopped herself onto me and nuzzled her head under my chin. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. It was good to know that we still had true love otherwise that kiss wouldn't have worked.

"W-why did you let m-me go?" She shivered as I stroked her hair. I sighed and shook my head.

"I wanted to see if you would be able to fly alone... seeing as how... well..." I couldn't even finish my sentence before Crystal wrapped her chilled arms around my neck and sobbed. I waved a free hand over her so she was dry and warm as we sat on the sand in each other's arms.

Overhead the moon was shining, illuminating all of us. I looked out onto the ocean and sighed.

"I want to ensure that you'll be able to fly away in case anything happens while I'm g-gone..." I choked on my last word and buried my face into Crystal's neck.

We sat there shaking in sobs for a good five minutes before we were engulfed in a group hug with the lost boys. I knew that they were all knowledgeable about the deal. My head spun around to look for Felix. I saw him leaning against a tree with his face in his hands.

"Sweetie, I'll be right back." I spoke softly to Crystal. She nodded and let the boys encircle her.

"What?" I asked, strutting up to Felix, "I know that look, what happened?" Felix looked at me with glossy eyes.


"You're going to kill Crystal, but not before I have to kiss her." My eyes widened.

"You-you're kidding..." I stuttered, "Who told you t-that?" Felix sighed.

"Hook did. He stopped by my tent earlier today. Apparently to jump start the poison in two days, I've got to kiss Crystal in front of you. That will transfer true love from you two, to her and I. Then, you've got to kill her, and you will after we kiss. Fury is the reason why we have to. Once you get angry, you'll kill her, leave with Rumple, then I'll awake her with 'true loves kiss'."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"You're serious. This is all a part of Rumple's torture plan for me, hmm?" I looked over at the girl I loved with all of my heart and sighed.

"Why doesn't he just kill me? It would be SO much easier."

"He promised you, he wouldn't let Crystal die. That's why I must kiss her, to transfer true love over and wake her up," I could tell Felix regretted every word he spoke, "And then you'll go with Rumple." I nodded slowly.

"I want you to keep Crystal safe, alright?" Felix gave me a strange look.

"I will, but where will you be?" He asked.

I looked back at him and placed a firm hand on his shoulder.

"I'm going to run away," I said simply, "So that I don't have to kill my true love. Figuratively and literally."

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