I sighed quietly, slowly trekking towards the Hogwarts Express. My newly-dyed hair hung in my hair, making me smirk. I could only imagine the look of horror on Hermione's face. Not only did I now have lavender colored hair, but I also had a nose ring. Harry and the Dursley's were NOT happy, but I was, which is what matters the most. Hopefully Ron won't care.
Speaking of Harry, he ambled beside me, glancing over at me every now and then. "What?" I asked.
"Nothing...." I hummed, cocking an eyebrow at him. "Ok, I just wanna say... you look awesome," he laughed.
I chuckled, giving a quick thanks to him.
My wonderful twin and I reached the platform, which I noticed I recognized no one. Maybe Ron and Hermione were already on the train?
Harry and I checked for any onlooking muggles, before racing through the wall. I let a large grin come to my face as I spotted the beautiful red train.
"Ah, home sweet home," I sighed.
"Tell me about it," Harry murmured.
We hoisted our things onto the train, then found a compartment. Turns out we were actually a little early, so we found most of the compartments were vacant. Eventually we chose one near the end of the train.
Before I knew it, Ron came into our compartment. He was grinning warmly, about to greet us, before his eyes rested on me.
"Oh. My. Merlin," he gasped.
"Hello!" I laughed brightly.
"HENRIETTA! YOUR HAIR! AND YOUR NOSE!" Ron bellowed. "It looks--looks like--"
"Looks awesome? Cool?"
"More like badass," Ron finished.
I chuckled. "Thanks, Weasley."
Hermione came filing in next, gaping at my new appearance. I could tell she was about to scream at me, and then lecture me right afterwards. But before she could, I gave a happy laugh and she calmed down. I managed to explain to her that I was happy with my new look. She knew I could be very insecure some times, so she let me down easy.
When we reached Hogwarts, I grabbed my things and headed after the other three. We were in our sixth year, and I was already growing anxious. I could pretty much feel the anticipation for this year. Something told me it would be rough.
Harry hasn't exactly been the same since Cedric's death last year, but he's cheered up a lot since then. I was grateful for that.
As we were exiting the train, I heard Harry whispering something about a dog.
"Wait, what?" I asked.
"It's Si--Padfoot!" Harry gasped, nudging his head in the direction of the Shrieking Shack.
I blinked, turning my head and was surprised to see Sirius was, indeed, perched in the grass in his Animagus form.
The large black dog stared at me, with what I could imagine as shock. Though I'm not sure what for. Maybe Sirius wasn't expecting my new look? Or maybe--
I was snapped out of my thoughts as I turned back to the school. I trailed behind Harry, Ron, and Hermione, wondering what this year would bring. I vaguely heard pawsteps, and glanced over towards where Sirius once was, only to see nothing. Where had he gone?
I chose to shake it off, and instead enter the castle. I made sure all of our things were in the dormitories, and then headed towards the Welcoming Feast. I laughed with my twin and my two friends, along with Fred and George Weasley. I was happy here. The Dursley's kept me prisoner for eleven years, but I was free at Hogwarts. No way in hell am I giving that up.

Padfoot's Weakness - HP / Marauders time travel
FanfictionWhen Henrietta Potter accidentally time travels to her parents' time, she must cope with questions, new problems, and her teenage Godfather she's falling in love with! IMPORTANT NOTE: I wrote this when I was 14 years old. It's super cringe. Also, I...