28: Fun

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Henrietta couldn't stop grinning as she was reunited with her friends and family. After she explained a few things to everyone, Claws kept whining and groaning obnoxiously, while flopping her tail against the ground.

"Is there a problem, Claws?" Henrietta asked teasingly. Claws snorted, causing a small ember to land on the girl's shoulder. She yelped and quickly dusted it off, then glared at the Devil Spawn. "Rude."

Claws didn't seem to care, as they all expected. Instead, the black dragon shot between Henrietta's legs and lifted her off the ground once she was secure on her neck.  Henrietta yelped in surprise, although she should be used to it by now.

"I think your dragon wants to go somewhere," Ron snorted.

"Ya think?"

Claws shifted her wings around, contemplating taking off. Henrietta grabbed onto the riding harness in anticipation, but was surprised when the Devil Spawn instead turned and pranced over to Sirius.

Claws purred, nudging into Sirius' cheek. Henrietta snickered, "Aw, you made a friend, Sirius."

The man grinned and patted Claws' head. "Alright, scoot over!" he ordered. He hopped onto the dragon's shoulders, behind Henrietta with a surprising grace and speed.

"Wait, what?" the lavender-haired girl blinked. "You're flying with me?"

"Puh-lease," Sirius huffed. "You should be grateful you're not on a leash."


Everyone choked on their own breath at the single word that came from Tonks. Henrietta and Sirius laughed the loudest, with matching blushes. Mrs. Weasley gave a tiny shriek while being restrained by her husband and Ron looked horrified. Harry shuddered and Hermione snorted.

Remus chuckled. "You should fly off before Molly attacks Sirius again."

"Good idea." Henrietta turned to glance back at Sirius. "Better hold on, old man. And no puking!"

"Hey, if I can play Quidditch on Harry's Firebolt I think I'm--"

Claws crouched and abruptly kicked off from the ground, causing Sirius to give a startled yelp. Henrietta snickered. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?" Sirius just flicked her on the side of her head. "Don't worry, my darling Padfoot, we shall go easy on you."

"You better," he grumbled.

The seventeen-year-old leaned down to exchange mischievous expressions with Claws. Suddenly, the Devil Spawn was picking up the pace, moving at a speed faster than a broom but still not her proudest speed.

Sirius' arms tightened around Henrietta, and the girl couldn't help but chuckle. "Problem?"

"No!" Sirius replied a little too quickly.

"How 'bout now?"


Henrietta leaned forward and pushed down on the harness to signal a dive. Claws agreed and tucked her wings in, diving at a perfect vertical angle towards the ground. Sirius held his breath as they neared the ground, then shut his eyes.

Happy thoughts, happy thoughts...

When he felt Claws even out, he risked opening his eyes again. He was surprised at how swiftly they glided across the landscape, even with no wing movement. Henrietta didn't seem the slightest bit stunned, only disappointed, like she wanted to do more.

"Okay, I give up, I'm never getting on this vomit-inducing dragon ever again," Sirius muttered.

Henrietta laughed. "I knew you'd give in."

Padfoot's Weakness - HP / Marauders time travelWhere stories live. Discover now