21: Valentine's Day

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This chapter is dedicated to Sutton (from Quotev) who commented like 4 times for a Valentine's Day special, and I didn't even consider that, so thank you!

Warning for Sirius' completely concerned attitude and obsession with chocolate when it's Renley's time of the month.

Henrietta/Renley's PoV

I hate the world.

The world hates me.

It's a mutual hate relationship, obviously.

"Reeeeenley," someone is whispering.

I just whimper. "Fuck off."

"Uh, Renley, we have a problem." It's Lily.


"You... kinda messed up your bedsheets," the redhead admits.

My eyes snap open, and I glance to where she's pointing. Sure enough, there's a small stain with... red grossness.

"Dammit," I muttered. "I hate everything."

Lily chuckles. "I'll help you. Just run to the bathroom, clean up, and I'll get a house elf to wash them."

"Thanks, Lily," I sighed, slowly sitting up.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, I winced as cramps began forming. I grumbled to myself, walking slowly out of the bathroom, grumpy and hateful to the world, as I've mentioned before.

"Alright, Ren. We need to get ready for today!" Lily exclaimed excitedly.

I just stare. "Why?"

"It's Valentine's Day!" she huffs. "C'mon, go see your lover boy or whatever. Since you're not feeling good, Alice and I are going to get a few gifts."

"Okay, thanks," I grunted, collapsing on my bed, which was stripped of covers and bedsheets, nothing but the mattress underneath.

With a groan, I lay there with my eyes shut and an arm over them. After a while, I start drifting off.


There's a lot of shuffling outside the dormitory door that wakes me up later. I let out an exasperated huff of air, sitting up to see who the hell it is now.

"Renley, my love!"

I groan, lying back down. "Sirius, how did you manage to get up here?" I grumbled.

"I had a girl step on the stairs and ran up," he explained proudly. "I overheard Lily and Alice talking about you, so I came to save you from... whatever the hell you're dealing with. Didn't hear that much."

"Then thank whoever's watching out for me," I muttered.

There's a dipping of the mattress, and then Sirius is lying beside me. "Sooo, what'cha doing?"

"Hating everyone and everything."

"Why?" Sirius asks curiously.

I snort. "Well, you see young novice, when a girl grows old enough, at her time of the month blood will leak from her va—"

"Nope, nope, nope. Don't finish the V word," Sirius intervenes. "Aw, poor Ren. I'm here, though." I just hum, snuggling into him. "Alright, what do you need?"

"Dunno. Can't we just lay here for a while?" I ask tiredly.

"Of course, kitten."

"...You did NOT just call me kitten."

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