Henrietta/Renley's PoV
Two months have passed since the night of the full moon. Lily and James have gone on three successful dates, and two days ago, James asked Lily to be his girlfriend. She said yes, and nobody in this castle doesn't know about it. James literally went screaming "Lily Evans is my girlfriend!" around the castle.
Sirius and I had a good time at Hogsmeade, but afterwards, I was overwhelmed with guilt. I was falling for Sirius Black--my future Godfather! That's not disgusting or anything-- I think-- but I can only imagine his reaction. I know he'll freak out if he ever discovers who I really am. Especially James, too.
Speaking of James, he hasn't pressed on about where I'm from or who I really am at all. He lets me be, and I'm very relieved for that. I feel like if he were to ask me once, just once, then I'd break and tell my friends everything.
But back to the subject of Sirius and I. He's asked me on a couple more dates, but every time he does, I decline. I can't just let us fall in love and then tell him "oh sorry I've been lying, but I'm really James and Lily's daughter from the future and you were named my Godfather. Now that that's outta the way, wanna make out?" No, that wouldn't work.
The full moon passed a few days ago, just hours before James asked Lily to be his girlfriend. I helped the Marauders out, by using Paws, and this time, I was smart enough to bring a cushion to sit on. Moony was already growing accustomed to playing with Paws since the first full moon she appeared.
Dumbledore hasn't had any luck with helping me return to my own time, and I'm thankful actually. Well, sort of. It's not that I don't miss my friends and family--believe me, I definitely do-- but I don't want to leave. I get homesick every now and then, but I really love being with my parents and 1976 friends.
On this Wednesday morning, in the Great Hall, James comes strolling in with Lily at his side. He looks happier than ever, with his arm draped across her shoulders and a dreamy smile on his face. I can't resist grinning every time I see them together. Meanwhile, Peter lags behind and Remus converses with Sirius as they all walk in. I still haven't gotten over my grudge on Peter, but really, can you blame me?
Sirius plopped down beside me, piling food onto his plate like always. We say our usual hello's, and begin eating.
But halfway through our meal, Sirius turns to me and asks, "Hey, Renley. I was wondering if you wanna go to Hogsmeade with me? I found this really cool restaurant that James went to before, and the food is amazing."
"It's true," James agreed. "That food is better than my future."
What would usually make my laugh just makes me frown. "Uh... I can't."
'You idiot!' a voice scolds me mentally. 'He wants to hang out with you! And YOU want to hang out with HIM as well! Why can't you just say yes?'
'Because I'm his Goddaughter from the freaking future!' my own voice replies in my head. 'And when I'm sent back to 1997, how will Sirius react if I get his hopes up for nothing? I'll be leading him on!'
'So? He's still alive in the future, isn't he?'
'Maybe! But he'll have to spend at least 14 years wondering why the fuck I left!'
I shook my head, realizing Sirius was staring at me expectantly. "Um, I can't because I have homework to catch up on." By far my worst lie ever.
Sirius frowned, a disappointed and sad look coming to his face. How the heck do I resist THAT look?

Padfoot's Weakness - HP / Marauders time travel
FanfictionWhen Henrietta Potter accidentally time travels to her parents' time, she must cope with questions, new problems, and her teenage Godfather she's falling in love with! IMPORTANT NOTE: I wrote this when I was 14 years old. It's super cringe. Also, I...