20: Two Revelations in Separate Eras

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WARNING: uh, another chapter with depressing PAST stuff, with lots of fluff. Be warned for talk of eating disorders, but not very heavy.
Henrietta/Renley's PoV

It's a Saturday when I tell him.

It's been a whole month after he confessed his emotional problems, and I'm always looking out for him. Now it's my turn to share.

After another flight with Claws, we had landed back in our cove and just sat for a moment. I rubbed at her neck and under her chin, causing her to purr loudly. I almost rolled my eyes. She's a Devil Spawn, and she's also a giant teddy bear... or better yet, a cat.

I had just slipped off from her shoulders when someone is yanking me back.

"HEY! What the—?"

Claws growls, turning to look for the attacker, only to stop and tilt her head. Arms tighten around my waist as I struggle, and a little laugh comes from behind me.

"Sorry, Claws. I'm stealing Paws for the day," Sirius speaks up behind me. I grumble.

"You could have just asked."

"Not as fun," he chuckles. "Now c'mon! I'm bored, Prongs and Moony are off in detention, Wormtail is with a girl—yes I said it—and Lily is with her girly companions. So, you're the last resort."

"I am NOT the last resort, you dork!" I shouted back, but laughed anyways.


"Will you at least let me go?" I huff.

"Okay. But I'm giving you a piggyback ride," Sirius orders.

He releases me, turns, and crouches. I chuckle, then hop onto his back and wrap my arms around his neck. He grabs ahold under my knees, and neighs like a horse playfully.


We laugh the way back to the castle, with Sirius groaning exaggeratedly and ranting about how heavy I am. And although he's joking, it makes my heart stop for a second.

"We have reached our destination!" Sirius announces once we halt at the Fat Lady's portrait. "Fish bait," he tells the portrait, who lets us in.

"Who the hell comes up with those passwords?" I muttered.

Sirius tugs me up the stairs to the boys' dormitories. When we get to his and his friends' dorm, he plops on the bed and says, "How was your day?"

I just stare at him. "You steal me from Claws, give me a ride all the way back to the castle, pull me up here, and sit on your bed just to ask 'how was your day'?"

"Yup!" Sirius beams.

I sigh. "Okay, Sirius. It was fantastic. What about yours?"

"It was booooring!" he whines, flopping backwards. "Renley, I need help! I have a bad case of boredom!"

I collapse as well, plopping right on top of him, which causes him to yelp. "Hey!" I just snicker.

"Alright then!" He huffs. "Tickle time!"

I laugh when he pushes me off of him, then curls up behind me, arms tightening around my waist. Fingers tickle at my ribs, making me squirm and laugh.

"S-stop it you turdball!" I gasp out, slapping away his tickling fingers.

"Well fine, you're no fun," he grumbles. "Okaaaay. Snuggle time!"

I snicker when he sighs contently after pulling me closer. With a roll of my eyes, I mutter, "Teddy bear."

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