18: Strong Survivor

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WARNING: this chapter contains mentions of child abuse and implied self-harm, but a LOT of fluff and cuteness soon after.


Henrietta/Renley's PoV

The day came when Sirius FINALLY asked me to be is girlfriend. But then it fell apart.

It started out like any other. Christmas break came to an end, and students returned. Dumbledore made a small announcement about Claws' presence, and a lot of people were intrigued. I avoided most of them, though. When I finally gained the courage to fly with Claws at Hogwarts grounds, there were several people watching. I hope they will leave us alone eventually.

I ate breakfast with my friends, went to classes, and returned to the Gryffindor common room.

When Saturday arrived, Sirius had grinned and told me to meet him at the Room of Requirement by six PM. He simply told me, "Make sure you say 'I need to find Sirius' three times."

When six PM came by, I hurried excitedly and curiously to the RoR. I paused at the disguised wall, and paced three times in front of it.

'I need to find Sirius. I need to find Sirius. I need to find Sirius,' I mentally chanted as I paced.

Like every other time I visited the RoR, a door appeared in the wall. I bit my lip, swinging it open and shutting it behind me.

A gasp escaped me as I examined the room. It was like an almost impossible effect of magic, or at least it seemed to me. It was a giant field in the night, as though in real life, outside of this enchanted room. The grass looked soft and was short, not a single bug or pestering creature in sight. Floating candles lit up the darkness, illuminating the area nearby. A cliché blanket was placed across the grass, with a bag of... premade food?

I can't resist laughing as I realized it was fast food. I'm actually relieved, though. I remember older Sirius failing at cooking, and there's no telling how terrible this Sirius is at cooking.

I jumped in surprise when a familiar voice spoke behind me.

"Soooo, what do you think?" Sirius asked, already knowing the answer.

I beamed at him, turning to yank him into a hug. "It's awesome. Thanks," I murmured, pecking his cheek. "I'm hungry! Best date ever: food." He chuckled, muttering an agreement, then sat with me on the stereotypical blanket.

We talked idly, just telling each other random things. He already knew a lot about me, and I knew some things about him. But that's the thing; he knows more things about me than I do about him.

"Alright, serious question. You ready?" I sighed, leaning back to glance at the fake night sky.

"Okay, shoot," he muttered around his food.

"Fine, but it's pretty personal," I warned. He paused, then nodded with narrowed eyes. "If you could get Polyjuice Potion and appear as anyone in the world to prank, who would it be?"

Sirius choked, then laughed after he swallowed. "Probably Snivelly. I'd go around skipping and being all nice to Gryffindors and kissing people on the cheek."

I snickered as well. "Genius."

We settled down after a moment. After finishing his food (I already finished, because let's face it, Ron has infected me with his constant hunger), Sirius scooted beside me. I stifled a yawn, refusing to let this moment end.

An arm wrapped around my back, keeping me upright as I started leaning backwards. He pulled me closer, his chin resting on my head. I smiled softly, shifting to kiss at what I could reach, which was his collarbone.

Padfoot's Weakness - HP / Marauders time travelWhere stories live. Discover now