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Light's POV
(Y/N) was ignoring me and I had to tell her something. "She has to look at me if I throw stuff at her" I thought. I threw paper at her, that didn't work. So I threw an eraser at her- didn't work. Pencil- didn't work. Damn. I guess I'll throw a book at her arm then she'll definitely have to look at me. "Smack!"
SHIT! Just as I threw the book she turned and looked at me and the book hit her in the face!
She fell backwards out of her seat and landed on her back. I ran over to her side. "(Y/N)! Wake up! (Y/N)!! SHIT!" I screamed and everyone looked at us.

"Light, please take (Y/N) to the infirmary." Professor said to me.

"Certainly." I huffed as I was already picking (Y/N) up bridal style. I got up and ran to the infirmary as fast as I could while carrying her, without her falling out of my arms. "Shit. I fucked up. I fucked up real bad." I thought. I made it to the infirmary and laid (Y/N) on one of the cots in the spacious room. No one was in there so I got an ice pack and put it on her head where the book hit. Then I turned off half the lights in the room in case she is sensitive to bright lights when she wakes up.

(Y/N)'s POV
I felt something cold on my forehead. "What happened?" I thought to myself as I opened my eyes to see Light sitting next to me looking worried. "Light?" I said sitting up slowly and he hugged me really tight causing me to jerk backwards a bit and hiss in pain because it hurt my head to move fast.

"(Y/N)!!!" Light screamed as he hugged me tight.

"Ouch geez don't be so loud, big mouth" I said chuckling a bit and rubbing my head as he pulled away. He chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sorry" he said quietly.

" it's fine." I said looking around the room I'm in. "Why am I in the infirmary? What happened?" Light was silent. "Light?" I said softly as I looked back at him.

"Um... I kinda.. threw a" Light said quietly and backed away a bit as I let the words sink in.

"Why?" I said confused. I'm not even mad. Just confused. Why did Light throw a book at me?

"Because u were ignoring me and I thought if I threw things at you, you would look at me. But you didn't so, I threw a book at u to get your attention." Light informed me.

"Oh my God, Light! You're so fucking childish! I remember now!" I laughed.

"So, you aren't mad at me?" Light asked sympathetically.

"Of course not you fetus!" I said Still laughing.

"Good" Light sighed. "How's your head?" He asked worried.

"Fine actually" I replied.

"Ok let's get back to class then." Light said softly while standing up.

"Hey Light?" I said.

"Yea?" He replied looking back at me.

"Race ya!" I said and ran out the door to the infirmary.
"Ouch" I said rubbing my elbow and standing up to see what I ran into. It was a person. "Sorry" I said apologetically to the man.

"No need. The fault is mine so, my apologies miss." The man said.

"Its fine" I said not wanting to argue with him. Light ran out of the infirmary.

"(Y/N), are you ok? You need to stop running in school!" Light said sounding like my mom. "Who are you?" Light asked the man and pulled me close to him.

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