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Ryuzaki's POV
"BOOM" was all I heard. What happened? Did Light hit (y/n)? I sprinted down the hall to where (y/n) and Light were and saw Light on the floor, holding (y/n) in his arms. Her nose was bleeding. I looked at his face to find he was crying.

"Light, what happened? Why are you just sitting there? Take her to the infirmary." I said as I walked closer. Light chuckled a little bit.

"We were running and then someone opened that door as (y/n) was running and it hit hit in the face as she was running." Light explained, pointing to a door he most likely moved her away from.

"And why aren't you taking her to the infirmary?" I pressed.

"The janitor, the guy who opened the door, said he was gonna get the nurse." He answered.

"Then why are you crying?" I asked curiously. He has stopped crying by now and his eyes got a little teary when I asked this.

"Because I love her, Ryuzaki. And she got hurt because of me again." He explained seeming annoyed and aggravated. My body tensed as he said this.

" 'again'? What the fuck do you mean again?!" I yelled as I stood up. Why am I so angry? I mean yeah, she's my first friend but I don't think I should be this angry. Light's eyes got big. "She's your best friend and ur oldest friend! You've known each other your whole lives! And if you love her, Why the fuck would you hurt her?!!" I screamed getting in his face. He just looked down.

"I didn't mean to." He said, looking away and starting to cry again, holding her closer to his chest but not pushing me away. I suddenly became fully aware of what I was doing and immediately backed up. What is happening to me?

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked, remembering that girl he was with at that bakery. He looked up surprised. Then looked calm.

"...yeah..." he responded. He then looked back in (y/n)'s face. She is really pretty and funn- what am I saying? She's only my friend. The janitor and nurse came back and Light carried (Y/n) to the infirmary as I went to the library. I needed to find professor Arlert's record. I sat down at one of the computers and began to search.

Light's POV
I managed to stop crying by the time we got to the infirmary. (Y/n) was now laying on one of the many beds in the room as the nurse checked her for stuff. I was sitting in a chair across from her bed, trying not to cry. It seemed like forever until the nurse told me she was gonna be ok, she just needs to rest. I sighed, relieved.

"Thank you, miss." I bowed to her and she smiled.

"No problem!" She cheerfully states and went back to her desk at the other side of the room. I sat next to (y/n)'s sleeping form.

"I'm sorry. Why do I love you so much?" I started to cry again. She was mumbling something. I listened intently. Can she love me back? Can she hear me?

"...yu...i.." she mumbled and moved her head. "" I know she was was saying "Ryuzaki" but I still hugged her tightly. Does she like Ryuzaki? That's one more reason for me to hate him. He's trying to steal my queen. That bastard. Well he's not gonna get away with it. I'll make sure of that if it's the last thing I do.

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