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Ryuzaki's POV
"When's later?" She asked, looking up at me with her beautiful eyes.

"When we leave here." I said, getting lost in her time stopping, award winning eyes. She looked in my eyes too. I wanted to kiss her so badly. But then the door opened, scaring both (y/n) and myself. Light walked in and smiled happily, but when I looked into his eyes all I saw was rage and hatred. (Y/n) and I moved away from each other.

"Let's get started, shall we?" (Y/n) suggested, sounding a bit scared but also sounding as if she's trying to hide it.

"Yeah. Just let me set up the white board. Hey Ryuzaki?" Light said as he opened up and set down the white board stand.

"Yes, Light-kun?" I replied, sticking my hands in my pocket.

"Can you go downstairs and bring up some water bottles?" He asked as (y/n) handed him the giant white board.

"Yes. Where are they located?" I asked as I walked over to the door.

"Uh in the fridge on the right side door." He explained as he tried to get the whit board to stay on the stand.

"Ok." I walked out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen.

(Y/n)'s POV
I helped Light put the white board up.

"Have you been working on the Kira case by yourself?" I asked, making conversation.

"Yeah. A bit." He said quietly. "What about you?"

"No Ive been working with Ryuzaki and you, of course. But I do think about it at night." I sighed and sat down on the bed.

"So what's the deal with you and Ryuzaki? Are you guys a couple or what?" Light interrogated and sat next to me, leaning close to my face.

"Er...." I thought as I backed up, just as Ryuzaki came in the room. I looked at him and smiled nervously at him. He was staring at Light. There was a hint of anger in his eyes as Light slowly backed away. I sighed of relief and lied down on my back then got up and walked over to Ryuzaki.

"Why were you guys so close?" He asked, his voice monotonous as he handed me a water bottle.

"Relax. I was only asking if you guys are dating yet." Light sighed as he stood up and sat at his desk. I looked at Ryuzaki, silently asking if he wants Light to know. He nodded then gently kissed my lips and I kissed back.

"Yes. We are boyfriend and girlfriend." Ryuzaki stayed proudly, standing a bit straighter as soon as we pulled away and put his arm around my waist. We both inspected Light. I could tell he tensed up a bit when Ryuzaki confirmed that we are, in fact, a couple. But he soon relaxed again and smiled.

"That's great! You guys make a cute couple. Anyways, let's get started on the case." Light cheered and opened an expo marker, making a loud "pop"

"Good idea." I said and got a marker too. As Light was walking past me, he gently smacked my ass. Making it look like an accident.

"Oh, sorry (y/n)." He apologized as he continued to walk to the white board but I saw the smirk on his face. It wasn't an accident.

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