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(Y/n)'s POV
I looked into Light's eyes to find them filled with concern and worry. Just hearing him mention the incident caused me to frown. I struggled to make my face emotionless. I could've died there. Or even worse I could've lost Ryuzaki. And if I died, how would Ryuzaki react? It's not just us that could've died, but everyone in the bakery could've been shot.

"Yeah, I was there. Ryuzaki and I were both there." I replied monotonously, standing up. "In fact I have guests upstairs, so please excuse me for a moment- I have to bring up some beverages." I forced a smiled and picked up the water bottle on my counter for Mello, and the bottle of sweet tea right next to it for Ryuzaki.

"Who else is here? Ryuzaki and who else?" Light interrogated, standing up as well.

"Just someone I met today. One of Ryuzaki's old friends, or someone he knew before." I briefly explained. "You just go sit on the couch in the family room and relax, you and your broken nose." I chuckled dryly as I was walking away towards the stairs. I heard Light sigh in defeat, followed by the quiet sounds of his steps walking to the family room. I have to try not to think about what could've happened. I need to stay positive. The important thing is that nobody got shot. Well except for the guy that was going to shoot everyone.

"Ok.." he replied glumly, but I could tell he was smiling a little.


"Here's your water, and here's your tea." I said as I handed the water to Mello and the tea to Ryuzaki. They both smiled and thanked me.

"Hey why is Light here?" Ryuzaki questioned.

"He just wanted to ask me a few questions. Also he just got back from the hospital with a splint on his nose." I explained.

"That won't do any good." Ryuzaki said seriously while furrowing his eyebrows. This confused me.

"Why is that?" I asked, perplexed.

"Because I'll have to break it again if he tries anything with you again." He explained, causing me to blush and laugh. I love it when he's overprotective like this. It's adorable. I lunged at him, embracing him in my arms and held him tight. I can't ever loose him.

"You broke Kira's nose? Damn." Mello commented. I laughed at his remark.

"He sure did. Well I better get back downstairs before he comes up here." I gave Ryuzaki a quick peck on the lips and walked back downstairs.

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