Chapter Two

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Hannah took her lunchbox and headed outside. Everyone seemed to be eating in their own groups, not really looking to find any new friends. The only place available was a bench. A solitary bench bolted to the building. It'd be embarrassing to sit there by yourself, but being turned down by the other kids wasn't much better. At least the bench was in the shade...

Angus searched the yard for his brother. Two boys over there, three girls over there, and-one girl alone on that bench. She's that other new kid...Back to finding Malcolm. He found him eating with some year six kid. He barely looks six years old! He's a shrimp!

"Hey, Mal," Angus said walking over. "Who's this?"

"Oh hey, Ang. Shouldn't you be in class?"

"It's lunch, dummy, who's this?"

"I'm kinda busy here, Ang."

"Who are you?" Angus asked cutting to the chase. Malcolm sighed.

"This is Jonathon, call him Johnny."

"He's puny! He's smaller than me, Mal!"

"Angus, shut up!"

"How come you can eat with a puny year six but not me?"

"'Cause you're still too young. Haven't you met anyone on your own yet?"

"No. We're not allowed to talk in class. What's this, can I have it?" Angus reached over to grab Johnny's sugar cookie.

"Hey that's mine!"

"Angus, stop that!" Malcolm scolded, swatting his hand away. "Don't you know you're not supposed to take things?"

"I asked first like you said to, Mal," Angus mumbled rubbing his wrist. His older brother sighed.

"Go off and find someone else to eat with."

"There's no one else here!"

"The whole school's out here, Dumbo!" Johnny said.

"Just eat your stupid cookie, fatty!"

"Angus, shut up!"

"Mum says not to say that."

"Mum also says not to call people names."

"You call me names all the time."

"That's different."

"Why's that different?"

"It just is! Now leave us alone."

"Maaal..." Malcolm looked around the yard.

"Hey, go talk to that girl over there." Angus turned to see the girl on the bench.

"I don't want to."

"Course you do. Now go." Malcolm turned to his friend and ignored Angus' face he gave him. He stomped over to the bench and plopped down next to the girl.

Hannah glanced at the grumpy boy next to her. She'd seen him arguing with two older boys. Maybe he doesn't know anyone either.

"Are you gonna eat that?" Angus asked pointing to her cookie.


"Can I have it?"


"My brother told me to-to come talk to you. He's a big meanie."

"I saw you in my class. I'm new here."

"Yeah, we're new too. I'm Angus."

"I'm Hannah Ruth."

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