Chapter Eight

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"Come on, Mal..."

"No! Angus, of all the crazy ideas you've had, this one is the worst!" Malcolm yelled at his brother. The younger boy shook his head as he dragged the chair behind him.

"I think that's an overstatement."

"We are not calling Miss Kill-uh, Miller and telling her to leave."

"Sure we are. You heard Mum, she probably hasn't even left her house yet." The chair was set up underneath the kitchen shelf where the landline resided. It was a bit embarrassing to him that he still couldn't reach it, and was glad his brother was small as well. The boy climbed up and picked up the phone when Malcolm spoke.

"She's not gonna listen to you, Ang, we need a woman's voice," he said. Angus frowned at the hole in his plan. "Not so sharp now, huh?"

"'M thinkin', 'm thinkin'," Angus mumbled. Neither boy had a voice high enough that could pass off for a female. But there was one kid in the room that did. Angus' eyes trailed over to Hannah who leaned against the wall. That mischievous sparkle returned as he held out his hand.

"No way, Angus." He threw his hands up.

"For cryin' out loud, does no one want this party anymore?"

"Of course we do. But-if this plan of yours doesn't work, we're in deep trouble," Hannah said rubbing her wrist. "I'm already not supposed to be here..." Her eyes widened as Angus grabbed her shoulders after leaping from the chair. His eyes alone were desperate.

"Please, Hannah? If you won't do this, Susan will never love me, and I can't let that happen! Please!" Hannah stared into each of his eyes then sighed.

"Fine, I'll do it." Angus grinned at her for a good five seconds.

"Thanks, you're the best." Hannah gave a half smile in return and climbed the chair set out for her. Angus rushed to assist her, hoping she'd be more inclined to help a gentleman. Tiny fingers grasped the phone and punched the number Angus provided for her. "See? We've got it, Mal."

"Yeah, sure," the older boy sighed crossing his arms. Hannah tapped the shelf while it rang, reluctant to indulge on one of Angus' schemes. But she couldn't back out now, not with him staring so expectantly for the preferred result. Five rings later a bitter sounding woman picked up.

"Yes, Mrs. Young? I'm assuming it's you, I'm just about to leave."

"Wait!" Hannah cleared her throat and resumed speaking with an attempt at a deeper voice. "Uh, sorry to cancel last minute but your services are no longer required here." She glanced over to see a smiling Angus giving a thumbs up.

"What do you mean? Is everything okay?"

"Uh...yeah. Uh, turns out we can't go out of town after all. Poor Mr. Young didn't have sunscreen and you know how he burns." Hannah gave a nervous laugh while silence emitted from the phone.

"No, unfortunately," Miss Miller replied with a hint of suspicion. "Are you sure you're alright, Mrs. Young? I've got a right mind to come over simply to check on you!"

"No! I just have a slight cold, nothing to worry about. In fact we're all sick." Hannah pretended a loud sneeze into the phone to prove her point. "See? Sick. Angus gave it to all of us, now we're contagious."

"Angus gave it to you?" Miss Miller asked.

"Yes, ma'am."

"That's it then, I'm not coming. Bad enough taking care of that little monster when he's healthy, I don't need him snottin' on me!"

"Excuse me, ma'am, that's my son!" Hannah defended. Miss Miller continued to complain into the phone causing Hannah to blush. "Oh... okay Miss Miller, I got it. Yes, I'll tell him to-what was that again?" She blushed harder. "Oh. Well I don't believe it's physically possible but we can check. Okay, thank you for understanding. Goodbye." Hannah hung up and climbed down from the chair. Angus was immediately at her side.

"She ain't comin'?"

"Nope." Angus clasped his hands in victory and took his turn on the chair. Malcolm noticed the scarlet tint on the girl's face.

"What the hell did she say about him?"

"I don't think I'm allowed to repeat it..." Angus waved a hand.

"See why I don't like that old hag? She hates my guts."

"Sounds like there was a reason for it," Malcolm noted.

"Oh who cares? Now, we gotta call up Johnny No-Good. Mal, what's his number?" Malcolm climbed up the chair with him and tried to grab the phone. Angus skillfully kept him away.

"No you don't, Angus. I watched you do one bad thing, but I won't let you do two. I'll call him." Angus pouted.

"Why? I want to hear his voice when he learns he's been kicked out." Malcolm took the phone away.

"We're not kickin' him out. We're simply cancellin' the party."

"What makes you think he'll listen to you?" the younger boy asked.

"'Cause I at least used to be his friend. If I tell him what happened, he might believe me. He wouldn't give you the time of day." Malcolm smirked as Angus crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out. The number was called and a lazy teenage voice answered.


"Hey Johnny, it's Mal."

"Oh. What do you want?"

"Look, about that party? Ain't happenin'."

"Canceled?" Johnny asked. "By who?"

"Mum. Found out about the incident weeks ago. Real mad. So, no party as a punishment." Malcolm twirled the phone cord in his hand and leaned against the shelf. Angus rolled his eyes at his brother's attempt to be 'cool'.

"Ah, that bites."

"Yeah. Had to call and uninvite everyone. Sucks bollocks an' 'm sure they're pissed, but what can you do?" he shrugged.

"Good point. Hey, thanks for callin'. Don't want to show up with no one else there. I'd be dorkier than your brother." Malcolm clenched the cord in his hand and glared at the receiver.

"Yeah. Don't want that."

"Alright. See you around then." Malcolm didn't answer. Only slammed the phone back on the wall. Angus backed up what he could without falling.

"Woah. What's the matter with you, Slammy?" Malcolm sighed and climbed down the chair. It seemed no one was a huge fan of his brother, even hated him. And that fact bothered him. As much of an obvious issue he was, he would never hate his own brother. But he couldn't do anything about the rest of the world.

"Nothin', Ang. Just-hard time talkin' to him, that's all." Angus scoffed.

"Should have let me handle him. The bastard. But we can't worry about him now," he said holding his arms out wearing a devilish smile. "We've got a party to throw."

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