Chapter Eighteen

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Dedicated to @Greta_Gaul_Wood, who has given me countless help with this chapter, and ideas to add to the overall story. This wouldn't be complete without her help. Thank you a million times!

Cacophonous music could be heard meters away from the building hosting it. The old beat up car circled around the parking lot hoping to snag the last empty spot. Couples and groups of friends strolled through the front entrance in sugar-induced attitudes. The sight was enough to rile the three kids up. "If I could find just one parkin' space in this whole place, that'd be somethin' else," Malcolm mumbled. "Everyone an' their dog showed up."

"What'd you expect, Mal?" Angus asked. "Six kids and a deck of cards?" The older boy muttered some choice profanities making Hannah laugh to herself. Angus turned his head to look at her and smiled. The sound was like a chime in the wind, a whistle in the night air. A song you could play over and over and never tire of it. Hannah's giggling subsided and she returned the gaze directed at her. Red nervosity flushed her cheeks and a hand reached over to lightly punch her audience.

"Take a picture, Ang. It'll last longer than you staring at me." It was Angus' turn to change color. Malcolm glanced through the rearview mirror and snorted out a laugh.

"What are you laughin' at then? Bugger off!" Angus turned away from his brother's eyes and snuck a peek at his date. "I wasn't starin'. Merely lookin'."

"You enjoy the view?" Hannah snickered.

'Very much, yes.' Angus bit his lip. "You wish." The car once again drove down an aisle of taken lots. One at the very end was open and Malcolm gripped the wheel, ready to snatch it. Another car pulled up at the other end of the aisle across from Malcolm's car, headlights shining right at the same place.

"I don't think so, Bucky," Malcolm whispered, turning the car so it would align between the two Cadillacs without a scratch. The opposing car had the same idea, though not as quickly as the sixteen year old. Through a near connection, the car swerved into the empty space with a piercing screech. It stopped, forcefully shoving all three kids forward. The other driver gave up and continued searching down the lane. Malcolm laughed. "He's gonna be lookin' a long time if he's goin' our direction."

"Smooth driving, Malcolm, couldn't do it better myself," Angus said as he unbuckled the seatbelt. Hannah did likewise, and all three kids stepped out of the car. Angus ran to the other side to link his arm in hers, like a gentleman would. Okay, Malcolm told him to before they left. Hannah accepted his arm with a smile and they followed Malcolm as he cut across the lot through the cars.

"Quite the party here, huh? Should have brought a date myself."

"Based on what I've seen tonight, I don't think she'd be impressed."

"At least I've made one, even if it's less than smashing," Malcolm smiled behind him. "All I've seen you do is ogle at your date."

"Listen you little-" Angus ran up to confront his teasing brother when his leg brushed against a nearby car harsher than he meant. Instantly the alarm sounded, alerting anyone within a hundred meter radius, the lights flashing in sync.

"Oh, way to go!"

"There's my impression, Mal! Just as shitty as yours." The kids looked around for an owner all while trying to shut it off. Angus inspected the vehicle for any scratches he'd have to pay for. Nothing had damaged the red coat of paint, obviously fresh for this event. A license plate read 'BRN 2 B WLD' at the front, the windshield in perfect condition.

"Well done, Bumblebee," Hannah smirked at him. Angus stuck his tongue out as a response while Malcolm slapped his shoulder.

"Ang? Better watch your next move," he said pointing ahead. "You ran into the wrong car..."

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