Chapter Nine

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This chapter is dedicated to my good friend, @Greta_Gaul_Wood, who has been a big help in my life issues and has cheered me up time and time again. Feel better, understand? You being sick just won't cut Wattpad's mustard.

By eleven that night, the basement was packed. Snack tables on one side, record player on the other with a crowd of people sandwiched between. A group of guys spent their time placing bets and shooting dares that they couldn't fit two cupcakes in their mouth or slug ten cups of punch. Girls of all personalities talked with their friends or danced to the music. Angus and Malcolm were kept quite busy making sure supplies were replenished and songs were not repeated. Hosting a party was harder than they thought.

Hannah tried to offer her help but Malcolm wouldn't hear of it. He insisted she join her friends and have fun. His real reason, kept secret, was in case they should get in trouble, she wouldn't have anything to do with it and might get off easy. Of course there was still the matter of the phony phone call... Malcolm shook his head. The things his brother would do...

The boy in mind had not only been refilling the punch bowl, but he also kept an eye out for Susan Lockhart. The girl hadn't shown up yet and he was getting anxious. The party had been thrown with her in mind; not only to gain status and favor amongst their peers, but to impress the girl of Angus' dreams. If she didn't show up soon, he'd miss his chance for a New Years kiss with her. His first one. Angus held some high hat belief that she liked him back, or at least would if he talked to her. If he had known who she was really interested in, he wouldn't be so hopeful.

Malcolm met up with Angus at the snack table. "How's it over here, Ang, your Cinderella show?"

"No...not yet." His eyes scanned the room, determined to seek out that certain blonde. The golden shine of her hair, the rosy tint of her cheeks, full lips (perfect for kissing), and a great big-

His trance was broken when a hand slapped his back. "Sorry, mate, it's gettin' kind of late. Seems everybody who's comin' is here." Angus pulled away and shook his head.

"Naw, she'll come. I know she will."

Down the street walked a girl toward a full house. She stayed under the streetlights and watched her back every once in a while. A couple of times she heard some rustling in the bushes, getting closer every minute. Her pace sped up as did her heart. When a pair of arms wrapped around her she almost screamed; until a hand covered her mouth. Laughter emitted behind her and she escaped her captor to see Johnny, to her utmost anger and secret relief.

"Johnny, you sack of crap!" she yelled, throwing weak punches on his shoulder. Johnny stopped laughing for a moment to restrain her hands.

"Calm down, Susie, it was only a joke! I'd never hurt you on purpose." She smirked at him.

"Jokes are supposed to be funny. So what's the matter with you, huh?" Susan began to walk away and Johnny followed.

"Aw, come on, babe! I'm sorry for scarin' ya'. Wasn't too cool of me huh?" She stopped and smiled when he took her hand.

"No, it wasn't. But I'll forgive you since you're so cute. You know I can't stay mad at you." Susan continued walking.

"So, where are you goin' so late at night?"

"Does it matter to you? We're not together."

"Course it does, if it involves the prettiest girl in school. Couldn't live with myself if anything happened to her," Johnny said giving her a puppy look.

"Well if you must know, I'm going to a party."

"What party?"

"The party those two Scottish boys are throwin'. Weren't you invited?" Johnny gave her a frown.

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