Chapter Fifteen

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His hand ached when he cracked his knuckles against the button on his alarm clock. He sat up in bed and rubbed it, when he saw the time. Not even seven yet... He pulled his bed sheet over him again, all ready to go back to sleep for another hour when he got an idea. With this extra time he had accidentally obtained, he would visit the music store before school. He had to make sure his guitar was still there and that he wasn't too late. He wanted to be the first to cough up the money, and he wanted to be the one who owned it. He was serious about rock and roll, he didn't believe the guitar should go to just anyone whose mother told them they were good at blowing a whistle.

Setting his hat on his head, he grabbed his bag and snuck downstairs. His mother must have been in her room, he knew his father had left for work already. Being the only child in school, and one of the only ones left in the house, there weren't too many siblings around to disturb. "Where are you off to?" Angus turned around to see Malcolm at the top of the stairs. "School already?"

"I just want to visit the music store today," he answered. "See if my guitar hasn't been stolen."

"You think anyone in this town could afford a guitar like that?" he asked. "I seen the price, Ang. Stealing is the only way to get it." His eyes widened at the thought. "My God, you aren't gonna-"

"No!" Angus protested. Looking around before continuing, "'M just havin' a peek. I want time before school starts."

"You plan this?"

"Nah, set my alarm too early."

"You studyin' with Hannah today?"

"Of course."

"Alright, I'll be here. I gotta talk to her about somethin'." Angus couldn't help being the nosy little brother that he was. He crossed his arms and smirked.

"What about?"

"None of your business," Malcolm shrugged. Angus naturally frowned.

"It is too my business. Hannah's my friend too ya' know."

"Hannah's allowed to have secrets ya' know."

"But with my brother?"

"You better get goin' Ang, every second counts." Malcolm turned around to go back to his room leaving Angus standing there in confusion. The confusion soon turned to realization of a false subject. Malcolm and Hannah must have a thing going on...

And he was gonna find out what it was.

On his way down the street to the music store, he couldn't help but think about all the possibilities of how his best friend and brother got together. Never once had he seen Malcolm talk about Hannah in that way, or seen him look at her in any way implying such romantic feelings. Hannah herself didn't talk about Malcolm too much, unless she asked how he was doing with his guitar playing. Since he didn't go to school anymore, something Angus always dreamed of, they couldn't talk as much. And even when she came over to study, they didn't interact any. At least...not when Angus was around. That only meant that they had been meeting in secret.

That explained when he saw the two talking in the hallway the other year. As soon as he came close, they separated. At first he thought they might be talking crap about his one true love, but maybe they were sharing their feelings. And didn't want Angus to know.

Angus frowned. Something stirred within the pit of his heart. He knew not if it was from a secret being kept hidden by close relations, or from Malcolm confessing his feelings. It couldn't be the second one. If Angus had some chance with Susan, then Malcolm could have Hannah all he wanted. Right?

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