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Maya's eyes slowly drifted open as she looked around and saw Lucas beside her

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Maya's eyes slowly drifted open as she looked around and saw Lucas beside her.

Her eyes widened. "Oh my god!!" She grabbed a pillow. "Lucas, get up!!" She hit him multiple times.

His eyes slowly opened. "Hm?" He mumbled, still half asleep.

"Why am I here?" Maya's hand covered her mouth. "Oh my god. Did we-did we-"

Lucas sat up straight. "NO. No, no. I'd never take advantage of your being drunk."

"I was drunk?" Maya furrowed her eyebrows. "Maybe that's why I don't remember anything... and why," she collapsed back on the bed. "I have a hangover."

She rubbed her forehead and her eyes, trying to drain the drowsiness and the headache away.

"Maya, look, what happened last night, it's not important. What's important is that you feel better." He rubbed her back. "I'll get you a glass of water."

He walked down the stairs, as Maya gazed after him. She wanted to thank him, for everything that he did.

She meant everything that she said last night. She just didn't know that she said it.

"I'm back..." He walked into the room carefully, trying not to spill the glass of water.

"Thanks, Huckleberry. I appreciate it." She took a sip of the water. "Aah. I'm already feeling better." She chuckled.

"So about last night-"

"It's really not important." Lucas insisted.

"No. I want to know." Maya said, firmly.

"Well, what do you last remember?" Lucas asked.

"I remember telling you who not to hang out with. That's all I remember. Everything after that is fuzzy." She told Lucas.

"Well, do you want it from your point of view or mine?" Lucas chuckled.


"Well, after you left me, you probably met with some of your friends. I assume that you talked for a while, caught up, then, when I found you, you were playing a drinking game and they were all yelling "Chug! Chug! Chug!". But from my perspective, after you left, I sat down in a bean bag, and his girl named Sophie approached. She was obviously flirting, I mean, she was practically sitting on my lap. Then, she leaned in with a kiss. I panicked, so I stood up and she fell down. I went to find you, and-"

"Sophie? Sophie Daley?" Maya interrupted, looking suspicious.

"She didn't tell me her last name, so-"

"Oh my god! I'm an definitely unfollowing her on Instagram. And to think, I considered her a friend! That jerk had the nerve to flirt with my-" She suddenly stopped. She didn't know what they were, so she decided to stay safe. "Single friend. And she has every right to."

"Maya...?" Lucas asked. "You okay?"

"Yeah, uh, I should go. I'll get my things and go home." She gathered her bags and started walking down the stairs.

"You said you didn't bring a spare key." Lucas said, hoping she wouldn't leave.

"Well, I was drunk, there's a spare key on the other side of the mail slot. I should be going. Bye Lucas." Maya said, quickly rushing out the door.


He was too late. She was already gone.
Already back at home, Maya watched some tv and caught up on social media for a while until she heard the door unlock. She was scared. Really scared. Her mom never came in with the spare key unless she knew Maya wasn't home, and Maya already texted her mom that she was Hogwarts and safe. She grabbed a high heel from her closet for self defense.

She slowly walked out of her room and into the living room, as if she was in a horror movie. Then, she spotted someone standing there. Blonde, green eyes. Lucas.

She carefully placed her shoe down. "Uh, hey." She furrowed her eyebrows. "How'd you get in here?"

He grinned as he held up the key. "It's your fault for telling me where the key is."

She laughed and jumped on his back. "I am so killing you. My mom and I definitely need to rethink our spare key placement."

They both laughed.

He shook her off a bit, signalling that she should get off. "I just wanted to see if you were fine. You rushed out, and I just wanted to make sure." Lucas smiled.

Maya wanted to tell him about how much she wanted him as a boyfriend. She didn't want to hide her feelings anymore. She so desperately wanted to tell him. But instead, here's what she said.

"Thanks, I'm totally fine. You should go." She led him to the door.


He turned back as if he expected her to confess her feelings.

"Don't forget to put the key back."

"Oh. Right. Sorry."

He softly shut the door, leaving Maya full of regrets.


After Lucas left, she was thinking of ideas for polaroid pictures.

Maybe I can take a picture of my neighbourhood. It's important to me.

She took out her polaroid camera from her bag, when something slipped out.

It was a polaroid. Of her. Sleeping. Lucas must've took it. She smiled.

Lucas was just so...

Sorry this is a short chapter, it's not very important but it's really cute.

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