Chapter 4: Lockets, Memories and The Talk

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Seth's POV:

I sat in the back corner of the library, silently crying my eyes out. I wanted to stop and cheer up but I couldn't. I held the photo of me and my parents tightly in my hand. I heard the bell ring which meant it was time to go to my first lesson. I held onto the photo as I wiped my eyes and grabbed my bag, walking out of the library. 


I had English first so I went into the classroom and sat down, taking out my stuff. I felt tears growing in my eyes again so I tried to hold them back because I knew that if Mr Ambrose saw me crying, he would pick on me again. I kept my head down so he couldn't see my face.

"Okay class, now I know that we were meant to be having our exam today but due to something happening with the printer, we couldn't print out the papers." Mr Ambrose said. 

I felt kinda relieved because I knew that I would flop that exam. I don't concentrate in lesson as it is and I wouldn't be able to focus. 

"But sir, the printer I was using today was perfectly fine." I heard Nikki Bella say. 

"Umm.....yeah, that's because it''s the student printer and teachers don't have access to that. We can only use the staff printers." Mr Ambrose said. "So instead of doing an exam, I'm gonna play a movie instead."

The class cheered as Mr Ambrose loaded the movie. I felt like he was watching me the whole time and I wanted to look up but I didn't. He walked to the back of the classroom whilst the movie played but I didn't watch it. I felt something in my pocket so I took it out. It was my Mom's locket that my Dad bought for her on their first anniversary. 

My Mom used to love butterflies

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My Mom used to love butterflies. She always thought that they were beautiful and elegant and every single one was unique. This locket was my Mom's most prized possession. You wouldn't ever find her not wearing it. I rubbed the locket with my thumb as memories flooded my mind.


Exactly one year ago.....

Our holiday to Malibu was so fun. Me and my parents had lots of fun. We were on our plane, heading back home. The plane landed and the door opened for the passengers to leave. As everyone was about to get up, terrorists barged in with huge guns in their hands. 

"Everyone put your hands up!!!" they screamed. 

Everyone put their hands up. I looked at my mom, scared as to what would happen to us. They began going through our bags and taking all our valuables. 

"Mom, are we gonna die?" I whispered.

"No we're not. Think positive honey." Mom said. 

"Dad, I'm scared." I whispered. 

"Don't be. I'm here." Dad said. 

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