Chapter 10: Jealousy

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Seth's POV:

I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon. I got up and ready for the day. Today was Friday, which meant one more day of school before the weekend. I couldn't wait to just stay in bed all day. (Just like me 😇)

I headed downstairs and saw Mr Ambrose in the kitchen. He turned around and saw me. 

"Morning Seth." he smiled. 

"Morning." I said. " need any help?" 

"No, I'll be fine. I've already eaten. Your breakfast is ready. I hope you don't mind. This is the time I usually leave for school to get my lessons ready." he said. 

"You can go if you want." I said. 

"Thanks. I got a spare key for you over in the kitchen drawer." he said. 

"Okay." I said. 

"I'll see you later."

Mr Ambrose left and I picked up my plate with my breakfast on. I ate and the food did taste really good. I packed my bag for school and realized that Roman wouldn't be stopping by to walk with me anymore. Unless I asked Mr Ambrose if he could. 

I decided to ask him after school. I left the house, locking the door with the key Mr Ambrose left for me. 


When I got to school, I saw all my friends waiting for me. 

"Hi, how was your first night with Ambrose?" AJ asked. 

"It was....interesting." I said. 

"Did you guys bang??!!" Roman asked, looking excited. 

"What??!!! Roman!! No, we didn't. All we did was eat dinner and then, he tutored me." I explained, shocked.

"Worth a try." Roman said. 

"Come on, we're gonna be late for class." Cesaro chuckled. 


Skip to English.....

Seth's POV:

I arrived to English with all of my friends. English was the only lesson that all of us were together. When we walked into the classroom, I seemed to notice all the girls staring at us and smiling. I mean, we are the popular kids after all.

All the girls wished that they dated us. I felt bad for Daniel because he's the only one in the group that's taken and for some reason, when you're already dating someone, all the girls seem to want you more. I see Brie almost everyday pushing her way through a crowd of girls just to get to him. 

We all looked at each other and smirked. Sometimes, we like the attention, other times, we didn't. I guess today was the day that we did like it. We all went to our seats and got our stuff out. 

"Sir, I can't see the board. Can I sit next to Seth?" I heard my best friend say. 

"Sure." Mr Ambrose said. 

Roman moved to the front next to me and got his stuff out. 

"Why did you move?" I asked. 

"Well, the main reason is to make Mr Ambrose jealous." Roman whispered. 

"Why?" I asked, confused. 

"Because, all the girls seem to really like us today and we all know how much Mr Ambrose loves you-"

"Oh my god Roman. He doesn't love me." I said.

"Who doesn't love you?" I heard Mr Ambrose say. 

Both mine and Roman's eyes widened as we turned around to face Mr Ambrose, who looked a little confused. 


"His crush." Roman said, making my eyes widen more. 

"Oh, um, okay." he said with a small frown, turning around and going back to his desk. 

"Dude, why would you say that?" I whisper shouted at him. 

"I don't know. I panicked." he said. "Sorry."

I shook my head as the lesson started. 


Halfway Through The Lesson.....

The class had been set a task to do. Nikki Bella and Layla had gotten up from their desks and began walking to Mr Ambrose's. I was guessing they needed help with the work. As they were walking past our desks, Nikki slipped a piece of paper on my desk as did Layla to Roman. 

"Call me." they both mouthed before going to Mr Ambrose's desk. 

Roman and I both looked at each other with huge smiles on our faces.

Dean's POV:

I felt a little disappointed when Roman said they were talking about Seth's crush. But what really felt like a stab to the heart was when I saw Nikki slip Seth a bit of paper. He looked really happy. I knew he wouldn't ever take any interest in me. Nikki and Layla asked me for help with their work and after I helped them, they returned to their desk. 

After a while, Lana came to me for some help. She kept smiling at me and staring. I knew some of the girls in my class had little crushes on me and it felt a little weird. 

Seth's POV:

I was talking to Roman since we both finished our work. Well, I let Roman copy me since I actually knew what I was doing but he was clueless as usual. Whilst we were talking, I noticed Lana walk past me and up to Mr Ambrose. She seemed to be smiling a lot at him and twirling her hair about. I knew girls had crushes on him and for some reason, a little part of me felt uncomfortable with that. 

"Seth??" Roman said, waving his hand in my face. 

"What??" I asked, looking at him. 

"You were frowning." he said with a small smirk. 

"I wasn't." I said. 

"Sure you weren't. Did you notice though? When Nikki gave you her number, Mr Ambrose did not look happy." Roman said.

"Well....that's probably because we aren't really allowed to pass notes in class." I said. 

"Seems like he was jealous to me." Roman said. 

Lana went back to her seat, which just so happened to be behind me. I could hear her talk to Naomi. 

"Mr Ambrose is so hot. If only he wasn't a teacher. I would screw him so bad." Lana said, making Naomi chuckle. 

I felt that feeling of uncomfort again. I bit the inside of my cheek and played with my fingers. 

"And it seems like you're jealous too." Roman said. 

I looked at Mr Ambrose, who was writing something on a piece of paper. I then looked at Nikki who was doing her work. Why would I be jealous? Nikki Bella, one of the most beautiful girls in school, gave me her number. I wasn't jealous, was I?

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