Chapter 59: Insecurities

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The Next Morning.....

Seth's POV:

I was back home and Dean wouldn't let me out of the bed.

"Dean, I need to brush my teeth." I said.

"I'll bring your toothbrush for you." he said.

"Really? Can you bring the sink along with you?" I asked.


I laughed before getting out of bed. "I'm pretty capable of going to the bathroom by myself."

"Okay....just be careful." he said, squeezing my hand.

"I will." I smiled.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I decided to head downstairs and get breakfast.

"Where are you going?" Dean asked.

"I gotta eat."

"I'll bring breakfast up for you. You stay in bed."

"But Dean-"

"I'll be back in a few." he said, heading downstairs, making me sigh.

I sat down on the bed, rubbing my tummy.

"What am I going to do with your father, kids?" I asked.

I decided to play on my phone for a bit until Dean came up with breakfast.

"Thanks." I said as he placed a tray on the bed.

After we ate breakfast, Dean started to get ready.

"Can't I come with you?" I asked.

"No way. I can't have you at the school where people are throwing other people everywhere."


"Seth, please. I don't want you hurt again."

I sighed in defeat. "Fine."

"Thanks." he said, kissing my cheek. "I'll see you tonight."

I nodded before he left.


1 Month Later.....

Dean has literally made sure I wouldn't leave the house. I was now four months into my pregnancy. Only five months to go. My tummy was getting bigger which I was happy about but also worried. I was starting to get very big. I couldn't work out as much as I used to and I was worried Dean wouldn't still be attracted to me. I looked down at my belly and sighed. Of course I was still really happy about the twins and I loved them very much but I was scared Dean would see me as some fat loser. 

Dean was down at the wrestling school again. He wouldn't let me do anything and to be honest, I felt a little left out. Dean was going out and doing so many new things but I was stuck at home doing nothing. My phone vibrated and saw it was from Instagram. Dean had posted a picture of him and one of the students from the school.

With his brains and body, he'll make one fine wrestler one day

I bit my bottom lip to stop any tears from growing in my eyes. I was right. Dean's attracted to people who have nice, slim bodies. Not people like me. I sighed as I put my phone down, a tear managing to fall down my face.

Now that I thought about it, I was boring. I was so boring. I felt sloppy and heavy. I was doing nothing exciting. Dean and I weren't even having sex because we wanted to be extra safe with the twins. No wonder he's noticing other people. I couldn't fulfill his needs. I couldn't do anything. I felt a wave of nausea so I quickly ran to the bathroom before throwing up in the toilet. 

After what seemed like years later, I finally got up and rinsed my mouth out before letting out more tears.


1 Hour Later.....

Sasha and Roman were out. I convinced them to go out for a while because they'd stayed indoors for the past month looking after me. I was watching TV when the door opened and a sweaty Dean walked in. He didn't even greet me. He just walked straight upstairs, making me bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from getting upset.

When Dean came back down twenty minutes later, he sat down and changed the channel I was watching.

"Hey, I was watching that." I said.

"Too bad." he said, not even looking at me.

I was hurt. Dean never acted like this before. But why was I surprised? Dean spent most of his time out of the house, probably seeing people that looked so much better than me.

I got up and decided to go upstairs.

"Seth, wait." he said, making me stop and smile slightly. Maybe he did still wanna spend time with me. 

"Yeah?" I said with a shred of hope that he still wanted me.

"Is there anything to eat?" he asked, making my heart sink.

"Um...there's some food in the refrigerator....if you want it." I muttered.

"Cool." he said before watching TV again.

I sighed and went upstairs. I got my phone out and looked at all the photos of Dean and I, back when we were both so happy. There was a photo of us holding hands, one with our foreheads resting against each other as we smiled, one with my head on his shoulder. I looked at the photos of me back then and compared them to now. I looked so much better back then. Dean looked genuinely happy to be with me.

Now, I'm not so sure.

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