Chapter 20: Seth's Nightmare Relived

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A/N: Just guys are gonna hate me when you read what happens in this chapter. I'm sorry!! But enjoy :)



Seth's POV:

"Dean!!! I'm bored!!!" I whined.

"Sorry Sethie but I'm busy today. I have so much work to mark and grade." he said.

"Aww, why???" I whined, wrapping my arms around his neck from behind him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Seth.....I'm a teacher." Dean said, making me chuckle.

I kissed his cheek before going to the living room and watching a bit of TV. Then my phone started pinging. It was Roman.

"Hey, I'm bored!! Entertain meh!!"

"You're kidding me right? I'm bored out of my mind too."

"I thought you'd be hanging with your lover....or making out with him or something?"

"Nah. He's busy today. Marking and grading a bunch of papers."

"Aww, too bad. Why don't you come to my house? I'll invite the guys round too."

"Cool. I'll be there in like 10 minutes."

"Cool. Later."

"Umm Dean, Roman invited me to his house. Is it okay if I go?" I asked.

"Yeah, you don't need to ask. If you come back a little late and I'm not home, I'll be out with a few friends too."

"Who? Your teacher friends?" I chuckled.

"No, they're my old college friends." Dean said, playfully rolling his eyes.

"Okay, I'll see you later." I said.

I kissed him before grabbing my jacket and leaving the house.


15 Minutes Later.....

I arrived at Roman's house and knocked on the door. Then the door opened.

"Hey Mrs Reigns. Is Roman there?"

"Yeah, he's inside with your other friends. Come on in." she smiled.

I went inside and saw all our friends sitting in the living room, playing games on the Xbox.

"Hey guys."

"Hey!" they all said.

"'s life been going with your lover?" AJ asked, making me blush slightly.

"First off....he's not my lover. We're just a couple. I don't think he loves me. That would be moving a little fast but we're doing okay." I explained.

"I bet you love him though." Finn whispered under his breath, smirking. I just rolled my eyes and pretended not to hear that.

"Hey, how come you weren't in on Wednesday?" Randy asked.

"I went to see my cousin." I said.

"Wait, you went to see Sasha?" Daniel asked.


"She's awake?" Roman asked.

"Yeah she is."

"When are we gonna see her?" Randy asked.

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