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She looks so sweet.
Sweeter than sweet actually.
Like peaches & cream.

It was my first time seeing her in my dance studio. 
She smiled gently, and looked radiant.
I was lovestruck.

I'm usually energetic, and outgoing; but as I saw her, I felt nervous.
I snapped out of my thoughts as dance practice was about to begin.

She moved gracefully, like an angel.
Every move was beautiful.
She's ethereal

I tried going up to her a few times to introduce myself, but I became too anxious to do so.
For now, I'd admire her beauty from a distance.

She was my favourite part of the week.
I always awaited for Friday evenings so that I could see her again.

She was always smiling, which made me smile too.
If only she knew that she was the reason behind my happiness.

"Hyung, why are you always smiling so much ?" Jungkook asked.

"And why do you keep staring at Haneul-noona ?" Jimin added.

"Huh ? Sorry. I don't know .." I said, scratching the back of my head.

"Awwh, does hyung have a crush on Haneul-noona ??" they teased.

"Pfft- What ?? NoOooO .. But Haneul ?? That's her name ? Wow. Doesn't that mean 'Sky' ? Man, that's beautiful." I said, gazing at her again.

"Yeah, he definitely has a crush on her" The dongsaengs said to each other.

After a few weeks, I built up every ounce of courage I had.
I walked up to her slowly, rehearsing what I was going to say in my head.
I anxiously tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around.
I was astonished from being so close to someone so beautiful.

I was frozen, this wasn't part of what I had rehearsed.

"Hi !" I just stared.

"Hello ?" She said, waving her delicate hand in front of my face.

"H-Hi, sorry. I just wanted to introduce myself since I haven't yet.

I'm Jung Hoseok, or Hobi, but you can also call me 'J-Hope' because I'm your hope ! I'm your angel !"

Why did I just say that oh my god.

"Oh, haha. Hi J-Hope ! I'm Min Haneul. It's nice to meet you !"
She said, flashing that bright smile at me.

"It's nice to meet you too, Haneul."

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