- five -

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It was the night of our showcase.
All of the other dancers were incredible. 

I was feeling nervous again,
thinking about dancing in front of everyone with Haneul.
She noticed my instability.

"Hobi ? Are you scared ?" I nodded my head, quivering.

"Awwh, don't be scared. You can do this !! You're J-Hope, have hope in yourself ! We'll do great, don't worry." She said holding my hands.

I looked down at our hands, then back at her,
then towards my dongsaengs who were giggling at our closeness.
This made me more nervous.
I was afraid that I would mess up from being so nervous about being close with Haneul in front of everyone.

"You can do this, Hobi !! Fighting !!" She said, squeezing my hands tighter.

"Okay, up next ! Min Haneul and Jung Hoseok !" 
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.

We stepped to the stage area of our studio.

I tried imagining that I was doing the dance alone;
thinking about Haneul only made me more fearful.

We did it.

We performed our dance passionately,
Expressing the emotions and story through our movements.

The topic we had chosen for our dance was temptation.

Haneul thought of it. It was brilliant.
I am more used to doing hopeful  themes for dances,
but when she suggested this theme, I had the perfect choreography in mind.

Our fellow dancers and the rest of the audience applauded.
We stepped off the stage and Haneul embraced me. 

"See, Hobi !! We were great ! You didn't have to worry ! You especially did well !" 

All I could do was smile,
but I was exploding on the inside.

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