- ten -

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One of Haneul's friends was having a party tonight.
I was really excited.

This will be the first time meeting Haneul's friends outside of the dance crew.
This is also the first time she'll be introducing me as her boyfriend~

I picked her up at her house around 9pm.
Of course she looked beautiful,
she always is.

We arrived at the party location
and she held my hand as we entered together.

I saw a lot of people dancing, which was great;

but I also saw a lot of people smoking & drinking.
I'm not really into either of those ...

I tried ignoring the repulsive smell of cigarettes, marijuana and alcohol
as Haneul guided me through the crowd.
We finally found one of her friends after awhile.

"Unnie !!" Haneul yelled, waving to the girl with the short brown hair.

"Haneul-ah ! I'm glad you came !!" The girl said, hugging Haneul.
"Haneul~ Who is this with you ? He's cute !" The girl smirked.
I smiled shyly at her compliment.

"Unnie, this is my boyfriend, Jung Hoseok !" I love it when she calls me her boyfriend.
"Oppa, this is my friend, Park Yuna ! We've known each other forever"

"Nice to meet you, Yuna-noona !" I said, bowing. 

"Awwh, so polite. Nice to meet you too Hoseok-ah." She replied. "Come, you guys must be hungry"

We had a couple of things to eat while Haneul introduced me to the rest of her friends.
They all seemed nice, but they were all smoking or drinking. 
Haneul didn't seem like the type to be friends with people who did that.

After eating, we stayed with her friends and I heard Haneul say something surprising.

"Unnie ! Pass it to me next !"
She was referring to the blunt that her friends were sharing.

"Jagi ..." I said to her, concerned.

"Yes Oppa ?"

"You never told me that you do this kind of stuff ..."

"Oh, I'm sorry Oppa. Do you not like it ?"

"No .. Not really ..."

"Have you tried it ?" I shook my head.

"Try something before you say you don't like it." She said, taking the blunt and holding it infront of my face.

"I don't know ...." I said, unsure of what to do.

"C'mon Oppa. You never know 'til you try."
I looked at the small rolled up paper which exerted smoke. 
For some reason, a part of me was interested in what would happen if I took it.

"It'll make you feel good, Oppa. Don't be scared." I nodded and took the item from her.

I placed it between my lips and inhaled, immediately coughing.

"Don't worry, that's normal." She said, reassuring me.

Her friends giggled since it was my first time.
I inhaled again, then exhaled the smoke.

The smoke looked really cool under all of the lights,
and made me feel a bit light-headed,
but it was a good feeling.

"How was it, Oppa ?" I was silent for a second.

"Can I do it again ?" She smiled and nodded, then rolling me my own.

After a few hits, I started feeling it.
It was like all of my senses were amplified.
At one point I couldn't stop laughing.

"Oppa ? Have you ever drank before ?"

"nOpE" I replied, dazed.

"Here, try this" Haneul said, handing a cup with a mysterious liquid.
I was unable to think straight since I wasn't in the right state of mind,
so I took it.
I forgot I was supposed to drive us home.

I downed the liquid, letting it burn my throat.
I thought it tasted great though.

It was 2am & I was completely wasted. 
I wasn't in control of my body at this point.

I moved around like crazy, dancing incoherently,
laughing uncontrollably,
saying things I probably shouldn't have said.

"hAneuL ..."

"Yes, Oppa ?"

"whY the HECK are they called 'Bulletproof Boys' if tHEY GOT SHOT IN THEIR MUSIC VIDEO ??"

"what ?"

And then I started turning up on the dance floor.

After awhile, I was exhausted.
Haneul was sitting on a couch with her friends and I dropped to her lap.
My head was resting on her thighs and I looked up at her.

"I'm sOOooOoOo in love with you. You know that ? Like REALLY in love."
Her and her friends giggled at my words.
"Since the first time I saw you, I think I was in lovEeEe"
I don't remember what she said after that.

Now it was 3am.

I found myself in an unfamiliar bedroom.

The lights were dim.

Haneul was with me, she was just as wasted as I was.

I was lying on the bed, not knowing how I got there.

She was on top of me,
kissing everywhere but my lips.

I wanted her lips to touch mine more than anything, 

but she completely neglected them.
I tried kissing her lips, but she avoided it.

The next thing I knew, we were both shirtless.

Everything after that was a blur.

a/n : 

haneul's a baddie tbh & drunk hobi is a concept I'd like to see in real life ((drunk bangtan as well omg))

~ jazunyan

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