- four -

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We've been much closer this past week thanks to being dance partners.
At times I'd feel so nervous that I babble on stupid nonsense,
other times I'd feel confident and not frightened at all.
I don't know what was wrong with me.
I just wish I felt confident all the time. 

We were in the studio one afternoon,
sitting against the mirrored wall, panting from practicing our routine.

"Haneul," I said, exhaustion exerting from my body.

"Yeah ?"

"Did it hurt ?"

"Did what hurt Hobi ?"

"When you fell from heaven." I laughed. 
Oh man, that was lame.
She still gave a small laugh.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that, that was so lame I–"

"Hobi, it's okay. I thought that was cute." She said, showing me that beautiful smile of hers.

"Y-You thought what I said was c-cute ?" She nodded. I started smiling like an idiot.

"C'mon, let's stop for today, we've been practicing for hours. Let's do something fun, like go out for ice cream !" She said; standing up and grabbing my hand, attempting to pull me up as well.

She was holding my hand. 
My heart began racing so fast that I thought it would pop out of my chest.

Despite her being short and small, she as surprisingly strong enough to get me up.
She ran across the studio, grabbing our bags with one hand, my hand in the other.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, wait. We can't just leave," As much as I wanted to, we shouldn't. "We need to keep practicing our dance, we're performing in a few days !" 

"Oh c'mon Hobi, we've practiced every day for hours. Don't we deserve a break ?" 

"I mean, yeah, but we should still perfect it and–"

"Pleaseeee" She begged in an aegyo tone, pouting at looking up at me.
How could I resist that ?

"I guess taking a break won't do much harm .."

"Yay !" Okay, let's go !!" She said, continuing to drag me out of the studio.

She didn't let go of my hand until we reached the ice cream shop
(which was quite the distance from our dance studio actually)
I hope my hands weren't sweating from the nervousness.

Her hands were so small (a/n : leik jimins LMAOOO jkjk i luv jimin), soft and very delicate;
yet they fit perfectly into mine.

"Two green tea-vanilla soft serve cones please !" She told the cashier.
How did she know that was my favourite ?

"Haneul-ah, you eat like a child !"

"Yah ! I don't eat like a child !" She pouted.

"Then how come you have ice cream all over your face ?" I said pointing to her mouth jokingly.
She felt the melted ice cream on the side of her mouth and looked embarrassed,

I thought she looked cute.

"I was joking about you eating like a child y'know," I said, wiping the ice cream off of her face gently. She giggled softly. 

This was one of the times where my anxiousness went away,
but as soon as she giggled,
it came back.

It was like she had some kind of control over me.

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