Two Different Worlds {17}

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Author’s note: It’s been a month or so since the last update and I am awfully sorry, but it is just that I want more readers and fans and comments, I want more support please :( Anyway here is the chapter <3 I hope that you will enjoy it :D

Thank you so much fans :*

Two Different Worlds

   Chapter Seventeen:

-Samantha’s Point of view-

Today has been quite awful or all in all last week has been quite awful and luckily detention has turned out to be more beneficial than I had ever expected it to be. Yes ladies and gentleman you’re goody two shoes landed herself in detention and to be frank I did it on purpose, I wanted to get away from people and it might seem weird to you guys but as I stated before today has been awful and I just wanted to clear my mind and not hearing everyone whispering about John and Rachel being the new headlined couple was quite helpful.

I glanced at the professor that was supposedly ‘supervising’ us. It was obvious that the guy was deep in sleep; he was covering his eyes with some very dark shades and was resting his cheek on his palm. I bet that it will only take some more minutes before we start hearing his snores. I took a look around the detention room, everyone was minding their own business, whether it was sleeping or munching on some chips. Turning back in my seat, I decided that it would be best if I focused on my own damned problems.

Things have turned out to be really bad after I kissed John and he confronted me about his new relationship statue. We avoided each other even more and I stopped trying to call him or even text him. I thought maybe he needed some space to clear off his mind, at least I know if I was the one dealing with the situation I would have appreciated if I got my space. And let me just say that it was no easy task, especially the avoiding part because first we had almost every class together,  lived on the same street and he started spending a lot in our house chilling with his girlfriend and second I can’t stand not talking, staring or touching him.

The dismissive bell rang, pulling me out of my thoughts, and everyone halted out of the classroom. Not wanting to get pushed by people, I let them go out before me. The teacher paid me no attention as I slid my backpack over my shoulder and marched out into the packed hallway. Not wanting to bump heads with any of the popular kids, I quickly got to the parking lot. And to my luck, Troy was waiting for me in his silver Porsche.

Troy was a whole new story. The guy has been there for me for the past week and a half and I really cherished his company. I won’t lie, he’s such a nice guy and a very attractive one and yes I won’t lie again we shared a kiss and he turned to be a very talented kisser, but as much as I wanted him to keep my mind off of John, he couldn’t and so he decided to help get the guy again.

I marched lazily to his car and got inside of it. I gave him a simple kiss on the cheek. “Hello.” He greeted as he started the car.

“Hi. Why did you come?” I wasn’t trying to be rude; I was really surprised by his arrival. I mean yes he agreed, after hours of begging and pleading, to help me make John jealous, I know a lame decision from my side, but trust me that was the best thing I could come up with. I mean I thought about hundreds of solutions and even Hayley helped me, but believe me friends you don’t want to know any of her ideas. And Troy helped too, but his ideas weren’t really suitable and so we were stuck with operation: Make John jealous. Now back on the topic, he agreed to help but I thought the operation doesn’t start today.

“Earth to Sam!” He pulled me out of my thoughts. “I came because I wanted to spend some time together. Anyway what were you thinking?” He asked suspiciously as he parked in our drive way.

Two Different Worlds (On hold, under serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now