Two Different Worlds {6}

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Author’s note: Hey :D A new chapter :* Some good stuff are going to happen in here so prepare yourselves ;) Anyway don’t forget to vote, comment and fan maybe? I would really appreciate it and love you guys for ever :D

Support me please and thank you guys a lot. I love you all so much.

Enjoy. XxXx

Two Different Worlds

Chapter Six:

-Samantha’s point of view-

Everyone that knew me quite well, and that consisted of my family and Hayley, knew that I hated taking risks and going on new adventures so often. I just finished having a new adventure and changing myself and trust me when I say I didn’t need to take another risk in a very short notice. But I think Alice thought completely differently because in my opinion kissing John was taking a risk for sure. I was still stunned by the very amazing… not idea that crossed her mind, my mouth was still hanging open and my mind still couldn’t register the thought of kissing him. Shewas insane that I could tell easily.

Of course I won’t accept her request; I mean yes learning how to kiss was hard sure, but I was definitely capable of doing that, however John teaching me how to kiss was a whole different thing. It was unacceptable, even though the guy has been my crush for the past two years or something and I wanted to kiss him so badly, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I would probably embarrass myself because well I was a lip virgin, yes yes I have never been kissed, and him being the jerk that he is will more likely make fun of me and that will make the matters worse for sure.

When finally the shock faded and I was capable of moving some muscles I shook my head frantically. “No Alice. Kissing John is a no-no. I won’t do it, I won’t kiss him, I won’t,” I spoke rapidly shaking my head with each word.

“Oh come on Sam. Girls will like kill to be in your place right now, every girl wants to kiss John Tatum and you admits all these girls have the opportunity to do it and yet you’re not accepting. Look my brother is good looking and I am just asking you to share a kiss with him, okay?” she made it seem as though sharing a kiss with John was the most normal thing in the world.

“I’ve never been kissed in my whole life; I don’t know how to do the damn thing for the love of god Alice. I will absolutely humiliate myself. Ugh, it will be horrible and I won’t be able to bring myself to look him in the face again.” Okay I was exaggerating, but I would do anything in my will to stop the thing from happening, I would even fake faint, I was a pro at that let me tell you.

Please, with a cherry on top. Just do it once and I swear you won’t regret it. John’s got experience and talent; he’s the perfect teacher for this lesson,” She pleaded, batting her eyelashes. If I wasn’t that nervous I would have laughed at how she looked at the moment.



“No, uh-uh.”


“Damn, fine I will do it.” I surrendered easily, I know. But I knew that I would give up sooner or later; I didn’t have much of choice now, did I? However remind me to slap myself later for taking that decision. Anyway as these words slipped out of my mouth, Alice was practically jumping up and down and squealing of joy, she lunged at me taking me by surprise in a bone breaking hug. “Okay I am suffocating,” I finally managed to say and she pulled away from me still grinning from ear to ear, she made it seem as though she was the one who’s going to get her first kiss.

Two Different Worlds (On hold, under serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now