Chapter 9

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Lin's POV

I watched at Pippa turned the corner and leave. As soon as she was out of sight I took a handful of my now shoulder length hair and tugged on it. "How could I be so stupid?" I ask myself aloud, probably looking like an insane person to the people around me. I feel tears build up and they almost blur my vision. I blink them back, refusing to cry. She was never your's Lin.

Her words echo in my mind as I walk back to my apartment. "Go home Lin." Is what she said. I knew what she meant by it though. She was trying to tell me to let her go. To stop before things got too serious. I told her I was falling in love with her, but I lied. I had already fallen in love with her. Before Vanessa divorced me--

That snaps me out of my thoughts as I remember the paperwork I had to do. Maybe it will take my mind off things.

I open my apartment door and pull out a 3 inch thick stack of papers that I had to read and sign. I just flipped to the page where it said whether or not I got custody of Sebastian.

I read the terms and took a long exasperated sigh. It was up to a family court judge to see who got custody and honestly I was scared. Vanessa was a lawyer and she can negotiate with a judge... or something else lawyers do.

I want to scream. I want to do something that expresses my anger, but unfortunately I can't. Not here at least. I stand up abruptly, knocking my chair down. I don't bother to pick it up. I snatch my keys from where I set them and leave my apartment. I just needed some fresh air.

I take myself back to the Richard Rodgers theater. It was empty to my surprise and I climb onto the stage. I take in a deep breath and just look at the empty chairs that are usually full of audience members.

For some reason I feel like singing. I pull out my phone and start playing Rose's Turn. It was the Glee version, but honestly I think Chris Colfer did an amazing job singing it.

As I was singing it, I replaced 'dad' with Vanessa, Rachel Berry with Pippa, and Kurt Hummel with my name. I felt it really fit my situation in my life right now.

"For me..." I finish the song and claps resound from the imaginary audience I created in my head. Except someone was actually clapping. I turn around to the stage left to see Pippa clapping and giving me a half smile.

"I'm so honored to have my name featured in a performance by the Lin-Manuel Miranda." She jokes. I let out a dry laugh and sit down on the stage floor. Pippa takes a seat across from me and we talk for what feels like too short of a time. We drown in silence for the most part. I hope she still wasn't bitter about what had happened earlier.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and open the email I just received. I knew exactly who it was from and what it said, even before reading it. I wide grin spreads across my face as I read the email and I let tears of joy fall down my face.

"What's happening?" She asks, smiling back at me. "Ok, ok, ok you can't tell anyone though. Promise?" She nods her head. "We are going on Broadway." I say, almost shrieking like Pippa did. She stood up and started jumping up and down in excitement. She wraps me in a hug, congratulating me.

At least something good came out of today.

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