Chapter 22

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Pippa's POV

"Steven?!" I yell, wanting to slam the door in his face. I was in the middle of closing my apartment door when he puts his hand between it, stopping it from closing.

"Phillipa, please, wait. Just hear me out." He begs. I pause for a moment thinking. Eventually, I decide to listen to him. After all I did leave him at the altar.

"Pip, please, can we just have a discussion about what happened at our wedding. I feel like we just need to talk and it will all be better. Please Phillipa just one dinner and I will never speak to you again." He rambles.

"I don't know Steven. I mean, I have a date tonight and I don't think I can cancel. "Please Pip. I leave to go to Italy on a business trip and I don't think I will be able to enjoy myself if I don't clear the air with you."

I sigh. I knew he was trying to guilt-trip me into saying yes. "Steven, I've moved on. You need to too." I say. "I can't without getting some clarification!" I protests like a spoil child.

"Look Steven, if I agree, you will never bother me or Lin ever again. You will move on and find someone who loves you just as much as you do her. Do you promise me this?"

Steven nods.

I sigh and pull out my phone.

"Lin, I'm afraid we have to cancel our date. Something... urgent came up."


I sit down at the table. I was right on front of a wall, my back against it. It made me feel claustrophobic, like I was trapped.

"Phillipa." He says coldly. I don't get him. Its like, one day he was begging me to have a civilized dinner with him, and the next he's acting like a bratty child.

"So, how are you?" I ask, trying to make conversation. "Not well since my fiancée ran off during our wedding ceremony." I roll my eyes at him. What happened to him being nice and understanding earlier at my apartment?

I am not going to deny that I wouldn't be angry over this if it happened to me. But the way he brings it up sends chills down my spine.

"Well... I'm not sorry about that." I say bluntly. I pick up my menu and look at the food. The calamari sounded good. "You should be! You left me at our wedding. How could you do that to me?!" He shouts, drawing attention to us. I try to hide my face with him hands.

"Because you were a terrible boyfriend. You never made time for me, you hung out with other girls that you've dated in the past, you continue to do things despite the fact that I tell you to stop, and to top it all off you had no respect for me, my friends, nor my job." I say a little angrier than I thought it would come out.

The waiter sets a bottle of wine, along with some glasses, on the table. He takes our orders and leaves as quickly as possible, knowing we were in the middle of an argument.

"It's because you loved Lin isn't it." He spits. "Yes! Because he treated me so, so much better than you ever ha-"

I couldn't even finish my sentence before he snaps. He grabs the wine bottle on the table and throws it against the wall. The glass shattered everywhere and shards scattered across the floor and table. I ducked my head down, barely dodging any of it.

I look up at him, a mixture of fear and disgust on my face.

"If you are done with your temper-tantrum now, I think I am going to leave." I hiss, getting up from the table and doing my best to avoid the glass.

As I walked out I realized why he did that.

The bottle is his heart and when it hit the wall it meant it shattered into pieces. He knew I was in love with Lin, that's what hurt him the most knowing that it was over between us. And at the end of that, its saying that he basically fakes all his happiness and hides all his pain.

woah man d r a m a t i c chapter bro. anyways i decided to update sooner than i expected because i had inspiration and i felt bad for the short chapter. anyways, i'm getting sad because there's only nine more chapters!!


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