Chapter 11

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Lin's POV

I walked up to the man I saw with a gun. "Excuse me, sir, but are you permitted to carry a weapon like that around with you? Especially in public?" I ask in as calm of a voice as I could.

"What? Of course I am. I am an adult and I don't need to be told off by some shortie." He sneers, is breath smelling of alcohol. I look around for any sign of a police man or anyone to help in this situation. My eyes fell on Pippa, who was standing wide eyed at the whole scene.

"I'm sorry, but first of all I'm not short. Second, I think you're about to make some really rash decisions and I think you should just give me the gun and lea-" He takes the gun out of his pocket and I feel the barrel of the gun on my stomach.

I feel like my heart had stopped. Like there was nothing else that mattered in the world besides this moment. Like I could, and would, loose my life. Like all of my hopes and dreams just vanished into thin air. That's what a near death experience will do to you I guess.

I looked around helplessly for anyone who saw the scene going on. But the only person was Pippa. She knew by the time she got help it would be too late.

It all happened in slow motion.

Pippa took a couple long strides towards us and tackled the man holding the gun, knocking the weapon from his hands.

"Grab the gun, Lin!" She screams. I scramble to reach the gun that had been knocked away a couple feet. I hold it, my hands shaking wildly. I probably looked pathetic, but at this point I didn't really care.

The man kicks Pippa off of him and grabs a handful of her hair. "Ooh, aren't you pretty? Maybe you and I can have some fun later." I quickly step closer to them so the man can see I have his own weapon turned against him. He doesn't look remotely afraid though. As if he knows I won't shoot.

I probably wouldn't.

He lets go of Pippa's hair, and she tries to run away but before she can, his arm snakes around her waist. I hear a small whimper escape her mouth.

"Do it. Do it, I dare you." He hissed. I only intensify my glare. I look around for an officer in the sea of people watching us now. I could see a couple of my cast members watching. Chris, Renee, Jasmine, Anthony, Oak. The others I couldn't find in that moment.

Pippa struggles against his grip, and almost escapes before one of his hands travel to her neck.

Where the hell are the police when you actually need them.

She lets out a choked gasp and I think, for a brief second that I would have to kill this man. That second turns into my only thought as I watched my best friend struggle against this drunk man who could possibly kill her.

There was no way I was going to let that happen.

It started to rain, the raindrops only blending in with the tears on my cheeks.

Pippa lets out a strangled scream and thats when I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't see her suffer like that.


Pippa was instantly released as I fell to my knees, too shocked to do anything else but silently watch as the man died by my hands.

I felt more hot tears stream down my face. The blood and the rainwater mix together in one ugly puddle. I drop the gun at my side as Pippa rushes up to me.

I look at my friends. Anthony was covering Jasmine's eyes as he sat still, also too shocked to comprehend what had just happened. Chris had to look away as well as many of the other cast members. As if we were all experiencing that same emotions.

"Lin..." Pippa whispers in my ear in attempts to calm me down. "Pippa." I choke back a sob. She wraps me in a hug, but I just stare down at the body.

"Pippa, I think I'm sad." I whisper in her ear. "Of course you're sad. You-... you saved me Lin. Thank you." She hugs me tighter. "That's not what I meant." I murmur, saying each word slowly.

She just hugs me tighter.

Ahh!! I am absolutely in love with this chapter I wrote it literally sets up most of everything for this story. It's definitely my favorite chapter so far. Lemme know what you guys think. Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3K LIKE I PUBLISHED THIS 2 MONTHS AGO AND DIDN'T THINK IT'D GO ANYWHERE YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!! Xoxo.

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