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I got home that from school later on that day, still reeling from my encounter with Kup. He was just so... wait. Hell naw. I will not let myself fall down that rabbit hole of crushes. Plus, I already had a super hot boyfriend. I smiled as I thought of Shawn, then frowned as I thought of the conversation with Raleigh.

I sighed, throwing my backpack down on my bedroom floor and slumping on my bed. I felt my phone vibrate.
iMessage from Kup: Hey :)
Oh, wow. That's a big leap there, boy. What should I send back? I should wait a couple minutes-don't wanna seem too clingy. So I waited until the clock went from 4:00 to 4:05. I then sent him a message back.

Me: Hey! I didn't think it over before pressing send. Oh God. It has an exclamation point.

Kup: Did you ever get that stain out of your skirt? Lol

Okay. That was cute. I started to smile until I thought of how this could hurt Shawn. I better cut this flirty conversation short.

Me: Nope. Gotta put it in the wash. In fact I should do that now. Bye!

I sighed forlornly as I sat my phone down on my side table and, reaching past the edge of my bed, heaved my laptop from the floor. Just as I was about to open it and waste the next several hours of my day not doing homework, I heard a soft knock at my door.

"Uh, come in?" I said, confused because both of my parents were still at work. Shortly after this, I smiled as I watched Shawn open and close my bedroom door.

"Hey babe," he smiled. "I wanted to surprise you." He said regarding my puzzled look.

"Aww, you're so sweet! Come here." I laughed and reached my arms out toward him, not getting up from the comfy position in my bed. I then remembered what Raleigh said earlier. Get out of my head! Sighing, I realized that the only way to provide full closure for myself was asking him about it. I'm sure it's nothing.

"Okay, so I wanted to ask you something... It's... ridiculous, really. A friend just made me think about something and now I just can't stop thinking about it and-"

"Babe, you know you can ask me anything. Shoot," he comforted.

I nodded and closed my eyes. "Okay... she said she saw a 'bloody' necklace hanging in your locker. Where did you get it?" I asked apprehensively.

To my utter surprise, he laughed. And laughed. And it was starting to make me calm down a little bit. See, I told you! It was all in your head. Then he stopped laughing and looked at me.

"That was my mom's necklace. And it wasn't blood; it was dirt. Who got you thinking like this?"

I didn't want to rat her out. "Um, just a friend."

"Come on, you can tell me."

"Okay okay. It was Raleigh." His smile faltered for a split second, then returned back.

"Huh," he shrugged. My phone dinged and before I could pick it up, he reached over and grabbed it. "Hey, who's Kup?" Oh God.

"Just a guy from my chemistry class." I shrugged.

"Katherine? Are you joking?"


"You're talking to another guy? Wow. Doubting me and cheating on me all in one day. What a girlfriend." He sat up, grabbed his jacket, and waltzed out my door.

"Christ," I mumbled.

I woke up the next morning with a heavy heart and heavy eyelids. Putting off homework until midnight is never a good plan. After doing the drill for getting ready, I threw my shit in my Mercedes and drove off to hell. Please, God, kill me now.

I arrived to the Gates of Hell and walked in, briefly oblivious to the stares coming from every fellow classmate. I threw some questioning glances, until I reached Shawn.

"Hey babe, why is everyone on edge?" I asked in a small voice, still remembering his outburst from yesterday.

He turned around and sighed. "Raleigh, your friend, is apparently missing. Not according to the police, but to her parents and her other friends, she is."' I felt my blood turn to ice.

"So... she didn't come home?"

"No. I'm sure she'll be okay. And babe... I'm sorry for being a jerk last night. I totally overreacted."

"What made you change your mind?" I asked.

"I just thought about it for a while and decided I was totally out of line. Sorry babe." He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Aw, you're totally forgiven," I replied with the biggest grin on my face. Shortly after this, the bell rang and I was off to my first class in my B day- Spanish. I was actually not dreading this class.

I sat down and took out my notes, then took out my phone until class started. As I scrolled through my Instagram feed, I noticed someone walking in front if my desk, and stopping abruptly right in front.

"Who are you and what the fuck do you want?" I angrily asked. I was in a good mood for a brief amount of time because of Shawn, until the Raleigh news creeped back inside my mind.

"Wow. So you're just gonna drop the friendship just like that?" I looked up toward the voice and realized it was Kup. But it wasn't the same Kup; he had a giant black eye.

I gasped. "Oh my God. What the shit happened to you?"

"Your perfect little boyfriend is what happened to me."

"What? That fucker didn't tell me shit!" I was so angry, my hands were trembling, and I had to set my phone on my desk to prevent me dropping it.

"Yeah, he didn't want me to tell either," he started. Then, in regard to my confused look, he continued, "he threatened to do it again, only worse, if I told you." Oh. My. Fucking. Shit.

"I-I," I began, but I was at such a loss for words that I wasn't able to finish until class began, and Kup left the classroom to go to his first period. Oh my motherfucking bitch asshole piece of shit.

After trying to contain my anger throughout the whole rest of the school day, ignoring Shawn, and trying not to worry myself thinking about Raleigh, I jumped in my Mercedes and drove home. I decided I would stop by Raleigh's house to chat with her parents and try to console them.

I stopped in front of their house because too many cars were parked in their driveway. Probably family members overre-fucking-acting. I rolled my eyes and climbed out of my Mercedes, then trotted up to ring the doorbell.

I saw the doorknob twist and the door opened to reveal a very tired looking mother.

"Oh, Katherine, what a surprise! Come in, come in." She waved her hand and beckoned me.

After settling on their living room couch, we started to chat.

"So... how have you bee-"

"She didn't come home last night. She's not here. We don't know where she could've gone. I know she wouldn't just skip school; she's not like that." Her mother cried.

"Where was she? Why wasn't she home?" I inquired.

"On her way out she said she got a text from a friend to meet at the park to do homework. She said she found it odd that the person was texting her but she didn't question it further." She replied as she wiped her tears.

"Wait... who texted her?" I asked cautiously.

"I don't know. I seem to remember her mentioning someone named 'Shane' or something along those lines." What the fuck. "She said it was a bit odd that he wanted to meet because he was the boyfriend of one of her friends. Do you know who that is, dear?" Oh my fucking fuck.

"Um... I... have to go. It was very nice talking to you," I said as I hurried out of the living room and out the front door, ignoring the puzzled looks on her mom.

When I arrived back at my house, I plopped on my bed, like yesterday, and delved inside my mind, despite my deepest efforts to do otherwise. But I just couldn't shake this dreadful feeling... The question wouldn't leave my mind. What did Shawn do to Raleigh?

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