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I didn't want to go to school the next day. I felt some feeling that's unfamiliar... dread. I wanted to know what Shawn's up to, but I also didn't want to. Then a thought popped into my head, and I tried calling Raleigh.   

I dialed her number in my iPhone 7 and waited. At this point, I was praying for her slow, ugly ass to pick up her got damn phone. But it was all in vain; she never answered, and I had a bad feeling that she won't no matter how many times I call. I gave up and threw my phone at the wall in anger and frustration. Then to add to my grief, I picked it back up to reveal the large crack that had formed because of my immature ass. I sighed and dug out my old yellow iPhone 5c from my closet, and spent a fuckin hour transferring things between the two phones. I just can't deal with a cracked screen. It's a pet peeve.

After about 10 minutes of contemplating glugging the bleach, I finally decided that I should go to school tomorrow. I needed to confide my life troubles in someone, and I knew just the person for it. 

Having this thought still in my head after turning of the lights and pulling the sheets up, I started thinking more about him. Sigh. Kup. He's so nice. And he's not ugly. But Shawn is pretty cute. But Shawn also might have killed two of my best friends. But his face... This was too much stress for one day. I sighed and attempted to fall asleep, but all in vain- this potential love triangle was messing with my brain.

I got up the next morning and left for school, in my Mercedes, after putting a little less effort into my daily makeup than usual. Shortly after arriving, I saw Shawn at his locker, and for some reason my stomach dropped when he looked back at me. Oh wait, those were my books. I dropped my books. That wasn't my stomach. I groaned in annoyance as I squatted down to pick all of them up, when suddenly another pair of hands appeared in my vision to help me. These hands were unfamiliar- they weren't the husky and burly man hands of Shawn. They were... soft, yet sexy. Kup? I looked up to see I was right. He smiled at me.

"Starting the day off bad, huh?" He joked. I laughed, but only because I was involuntarily developing a crush on him. His joke sucked ass. Who the hell even says shit like that. If I didn't like him as much as I did, I would tell him to end himself.

"Ha, yeah. I guess so" I replied as we both stood up and he handed me the rest of my books. "Well, see you in chemistry?" I asked. He nodded with a smile and walked away. It was just then that I noticed Shawn giving me a death glare from across the hall. But right when I looked at him, he angrily stormed away. What a fucking bitch ass motherfucker. He knows I'm stressed out right now. How dare this motherfucking piece of grown ass shit does he think he is? I internally growled at his immature reaction and walked away to math.

Math was a bore, as per usual. Just more people asking me how to do shit because they can't get a clue on how to fuckin study. Or pay attention. Of course I helped anyone who asked, excluding the fuckboys. They can rot in hell with their 1.0 GPA. The only thing getting me through this nasty ass class was the excitement of seeing Kup in chemistry next. I don't know what it is about him, but I feel like we've known each other for longer than we actually have. Oh that's right, I knew him since 9th grade. I just didn't give a shit cause he was probably ugly at the time. Oh well.

As soon as the bell rang, I jumped out of my seat and hurried to chemistry. I was so fuckin ready to see the potential love of my life. My excitement dissipated into curiosity when I passed Shawn, who was digging for a book in his locker- the necklace was gone. His dirt-covered mom's necklace was taken out of his locker. Now that I thought about it, what the fuck? Who just has their mom's necklace in their locker? And why was it covered in dirt? It could've been his shit for all I know. I do like freaky boys. Right after I thought this, I went in the bathroom and prayed for 7 and a half minutes. I then went to class, unable to shake my worry. 

I stepped in class and swung my head around to find Kup. If he's not here I will fucking kill every got damn person in my motherfuckin sight I swear to God DON'T FUCKING CROSS M- oh there he is. I smiled as I made my way to the back of the classroom and hopped in the seat right next to him. "Hey," I smiled.

"Hey Katherine. How's it goin?" Oh, dear God. Oh, God. Save me. Take my soul. Retrieve my fuckin soul. I never realized his husky country accent. That 'goin' ended me. Oh, dear LORD.

"Pretty good. How about you?" I replied. Good God, girl, you need to spice this conversation up. You're not gonna get anywhere ;) with small talk. 

"I'm pretty good myself. I'm excited, too. My family and I are planning a trip up to Maryland to visit more family. I haven't been there since 5th grade when we moved down here." Oh. Never-fucking-mind. I guess I don't know what a country accent sounds like. 

"Oh, wow. That sounds fun," I replied. This conversation was as dry as my motherfucking chapped as fuck lips. This thought reminded me to spread the 7th consecutive layer of chap stick over my Sahara's (the name for my lips cause they're always so fuckin dry).

Right when I put my chap stick away, the teacher walked to the front of the classroom, but this time I actually listened to her boring-ass long-ass unnecessary-ass speech. And to my delight, this was a free period. Well, it was actually a period we were supposed to use to study for our test next class but who gives a damn. 

This was a perfect opportunity to tell Kuppy about my life. And I took it. We talked for the whole class period. I told him everything I knew, every conspiracy against Shawn, even my medical condition about my Sahara's. And I discovered that he was an outstanding-ass listener. 

After class, he walked me to my locker, while I casually looked around to make sure Shawn wasn't in the premises. But what was weird was that he wasn't. In fact, I didn't see him anywhere. 

"Hey, if you want, I can come over after school," Kup said when we stopped at our destination. "Maybe we can crack some of this case." Wow, nice use of that old-ass phrase. 

"I don't know. I think I might need a break for a little bit. I might take a nap or something." I replied. 

He shrugged in response. "Alright. Let me know if you change your mind." After giving me a quick hug goodbye, because we won't see each other for the rest of the day, he walked away down the hall. 

The rest of the school day zoomed by, to my surprise. I finished my last class and headed home in my car. I grabbed my backpack and sulked up to my room, fully prepared to jump in bed and sleep for the next 40 fuccing years. But I stopped in my tracks when I saw two familiar items sitting neatly on top of the covers of my bed. 

Mrs. Mendes' 'necklace,'

and Raleigh's signature Club Penguin bracelet. 

Both. Covered. In. 'Dirt.'

Shortly after this I heard the doorbell ring. I ran downstairs, grabbed a knife just in case, and opened the door, to reveal two police officers glaring at me. 

"Ms. Kunt?" One asked.

I put the knife down on the table near the door. "Uh, yes?" 

"You're under arrest for the murder of Natalia Harrisé and Raleigh Gaybson."

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