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this will be Katherine's look for prison 

I stared in complete awe at the officers as they grabbed my hands, spun me around, and cuffed them.

"You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in the court of law." They proceeded to recite my Miranda Rights.

Oh sweet Lord Jesus. How did this happen? Of course I didn't kill my friends! Well, to be honest, I fucking hated all of them. Like really, I didn't even mind too much that they were dead. But I wouldn't kill them...

Someone set me up. The police wouldn't have had any evidence if that wasn't the case. I just have to figure out who.
"No, wait! I swear you've got the wrong person. I've been set up!" I tried yelling as the escorted me in the police car. All they did was patronizingly shake their nasty ass bald heads. Before they shut the door on me, I tried to yell again. Don't be too aggressive, you'll make it worse. "FUCK YOU, YOU MOTHERFUCKING BALD ASS PIECES OF SHIT. WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? YOU GET ME OUT OF THE MOTHERFUCKING GOT DAMN PIECE OF MOTHERFUCKING SHIT ASS POLICE CAR OR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL-" and before I could finish my mediocre threat, they slammed it. I guess I don't know what aggressive or a country fucking accent is.

This thought reminded me of Kup. Oh, sweet Kup. With his soft, kind of cute features... It's personality that matters anyway. Wait a fucking minute. I know who got damn set me up.

Of course it's him. I shouldn't have confided in him, DAMN IT ALL TO HELL. That colossal waste of oxygen snitched on me, but with what evidence? And why? What the fuck did I do to him, besides forget his name after knowing him for three years? Now because of him, I'm very likely gonna be in jail for the rest of my life for something that I wouldn't dream of doing.

Just as the police car started rolling away from my driveway, I noticed a car on the corner of the street that isn't usually there. As we got closer, I realized it was... Shawn's car? What the FUCK?

Finally, as we pulled up right next to the corner at the stop sign, I spotted him, sitting comfortably in his idling car, smiling with a wide grin and waving at me. What. The. Fuck.

The trial was in two weeks. I was ready to kick. Some. Ass. I can't believe I suspected Kup of of doing this. I got a pretty high dollar lawyer, so my family and I expected this trial to be pretty easy. I sure fucking hope so.

My parents made me stay home during this whole process because they believed it was too much stress for me. At first I was overjoyed, but I soon got lonely and bored. Gilmore Girls and Shane Dawson can only occupy so much of my time. Luckily, I had my trusty new bff who wasn't murdered by my ex-boyfriend- Kuppy.

His parents somehow allowed him to take online courses during these two weeks so he could spend time with me. And through this time... I've noticed us getting,.,.....,... closer.

As I sat on the living room couch, waiting for Shrek 2 to start, he made popcorn behind me in the kitchen. I was happy for once. Kup was really good company, and it's exactly what I needed as we approached my potential doom.

He finished and sat next to me, smiling and turning his head towards the TV to witness Shrek and Fiona's honeymoon. What a good ass motherfucking movie. It can't get better than this. Then, to my surprise, he moved a little closer. And closer. I turned my head to look at him to see that he was already staring at me.

"You're so... kind of beautiful," he said with a loving smile. My heart leaped. No one had ever been so nice to be before. Shawn always called me average. I guess it's the same thing.

"And you're so... borderline below average," I replied, almost in a whisper. As I said this, I saw a sparkle in his eyes that had ceased to have ever been there before. And before I could process it, he leaned in and kissed me. Well, he tried to. But he wasn't sitting as close to me as he thought he was, so the lean was awkward as fuck and I was deeply considering downing the bleach.

Yet he didn't give up; he sat back up and scooted closer so he could try again. But he was sitting on his leg, and he had shoes on, and the laces tangled up and gathered in between the two couch cushions behind him, preventing him yet again from reaching my Sahara's. Glug fucking glug. Where do we keep the motherfucking bleach.

Then suddenly, his confidence, which all should have dissipated at this point with that pathetic attempt at suave, arose yet again. He quickly stood up, sat back down closer to me but still a little too far away because he didn't really know what to do at this point, and kissed me. But he had never kissed a living being before, so when he kissed me, it was more like when Patrick sucked up Grandma's cookie's in that one stupid-ass episode of Spongebob. Needless to say, it was the worst moment of my life.

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