↪ she appeared hopeful

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When Isla's parents discovered her feelings, they took away her bedroom lock

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When Isla's parents discovered her feelings, they took away her bedroom lock.

They were afraid of what went on behind closed doors, but they should have more concerned about themselves.

Isla didn't need a locked door to hide her indiscretions, she liked the comfort of what a locked door provided.

Now she had to rely on the hollowed tree for privacy which she was currently sharing with someone else.

That was more worrying than the fact her parents had taken her bedroom door.

However, she opened the journal and began writing another letter.

Instead of talking about her parents, she began writing about how she felt alone in the world.

How her friends were perfect and she wasn't.

How she was tired of pretended to be all these different things for people.

Happy for her parents.

Exciting for her friends.

Reliable for her teachers.

All together for anyone else looking at her.

Isla assumed she'd feel upset by writing her issues, but with each passing word, it brought her hope.

She knew she wasn't the only one alone in the world.

There was a mysterious person out there who felt the same way.

She also wondered what other problems they had too.

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