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Josh pov:

I wake up late at night to see y/n still asleep I smiled but then it felled off my face when I seen bruises all over y/n body they all look painful but I stopped thinking about that and put on my clothes I need to introduce y/n to all of the wendigo family and I need to know about wendigo mates from the leader of us. I went to y/n and shake her to wake up" Darling wake up please", I say regretful from waking her up "Huh?", she growled and she opened her eyes I gasped her beautiful eyes are now grayish green . "Come on babe we need meet up with Wendigos", I said "oh really there's more of us?", she said excited "yep lets go", I said


We are in the mines and we hear shrieks and y/n starts jumping up and down there is more of us she said with a glint and we climbed the wall and enter the room with everyone. Everyone stopped and it was quiet until the leader Jack Fiddler who was the first person to commit cannibalism and murder his family and ate them." Hey Josh!!", He said with a grin he then seen y/n and said "well who is this?",  "This is my mate Y/N", I said smiling but Jack looked at her neck . We were interrupted by a squeal and someone jumped on my mate!!! and I see nothing by red and crouch with a growled the girl stopped and she stepped away from her . I quickly went to her and nuzzled her neck and she blushed" it's ok Joshie she was just hugging me", y/n said" Ohh sorry Josh about my wife there isn't a lot of female wendigos", Jack said standing tall in front of his wife looking like a leader . I stopped and calm myself" I'm so sorry ma'am I don't know what came over me", I said getting up with my mate "It's ok it was my fault I got overexcited", she said smiling showing us her fangs "Oh! how rude of me my name is Swift Fiddler", Swift said "Oh hey I'm y/n", and "this is Josh ",y/n said the first time she talk since the hallway "well ladies we have somethings to talk about so Swift why don't you show y/n our ways the wendigo?", leader said "yea! I will let's go my dear", she said pulling her away from me and I whimpered "It's ok Josh now why haven't you bitten her with the mate bite?", he asked  I frozed" I have to bite her", I said full of pain because y/n is so far away from me . "Yes my son its better to do it during sexual intercourse", Jack said winking I chuckled" so it wont hard so bad if we do that? ",I asked "Nope now let's go over the wendigo mating stuff", He said walking away

~~~~~~~ Time pass brought you by Sexy Josh ;] ~~~~~~~

We're done talking so we go and look for the girls . We found them by the Lake swimming and laughing I grinned by seeing y/n so happy with our kind when she froze with a face full of pain and yelped I panicked and rushed to her same as Swift and Jack we all crowd around her" what's wrong with her?!?!", I asked concerned Jack replied" you have to give her the mating bite right now since she found her mate when human and that's rare for our kind now boy get her to your cave!", I putted her up bridal style and rushing to the cave like if my life depended on it.

I hope you guys liked it my fabulous fellow wendigos!! Buh- Bye!!! xxx

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