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Y/n pov:
I groan as I stand up carefully not wanting to wake Josh

I sighed remind me to never get him mad again I thought to myself

I quickly got my clothes on well I soon don't need it since I'm almost a full wendigo

I used my wendigo speed towards Jack aka the leader wanting permission

"Jack!" I exclaimed smiling to see Swift with him

Swift gasped and hugged me tightly " S-swift can't breathe " I panted out

"Sorry" she said I nodded  I turned to Jack " can I go outside oh great leader" I said jokingly

He chuckled "yeah ... but what about Josh?" He asked

I tensed feeling the bruises on my body "he'll be fine" I replied

"Ok you can go " he said walking away with another wendigo

"Bye girl!" I said to Swift smiling " bye Hon" she replied

It feels like I have a girlfriend to hang with my thoughts as I climbed out of the mines

[ Time pass brought you by Sexy Josh ]

I breathed in the fresh air I first had in .... weeks, months maybe a year

Then I break down with all my thoughts ' I can't be with my brother now or anyone , I can't live like this!!!! I will have to end it since I'm going to live forever '

Josh pov:
I finally wake up to realize my mate isn't with me making me jump out of bed panicking

I think I finally freaked her out I thought rushing to Jack

I nervously walked to Jack " um Jack where's y/n??" I asked

Jack turned to me and looked at me evilly then grabbed me by the back of my neck

Ow! Ow !! I moaned in pain " Joshua you broke a rule!!!!" Jack snapped

I groaned the number one rule is to not disrespect our mate or hurt them

" YOU RAPED Y/N!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed

" I'm sorry ok? Don't you know I'm already guilty enough!" I said with tears

He sighed " she's outside we'll wait for her" he said shaking his head

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