Shes alive!!!?!?!

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Y/n pov:
I groan as I move and I remember I should be dead!!!

I look around to see I missed the fire but..... I think my ribbs are broken

I whimpered as I tried to move " Ahh!" I screamed

I laid back down panting ' I can't move damn!' I thought

" I can't dye ..... Wendigos can't dye .... I look down and see I'm a full wendigo that's why i didn't dye

" J-Josh" I whispered

Swift pov:
I gasped my best friend is dead!!!!! I whimpered I'm not going to give up !

I walk and jumped down the sides of the cliff making sure the guys don't see me

I hear someone panting and whimpering full of pain ' she's not dead!' My though as I jump off the rock

" J-Josh" The person said " yep that's y/n " I whispered

I run towards her " Y/n?" I said " Swift?!?" Y/n gasped out I laughed and softly hug her

" You're alive!!!! " I said happily she nodded " Guys!!!!! " I yelled out " she's alive ... come down now! " I exclaimed

" Why did you try to kill yourself?" I asked softly " I-i want to be with my family and seeing my brother made me realize that" she said " I don't really know why I did it" she sobbed

" Swift!!!" Jack said hugging me and taking me from y/n

Josh gasped " Y/N!!!!" He screamed and grabbed her into his lap

" Lets go Jackie" I said wanting privacy for them he nodded

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