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Jessica pov:

Ugh! we are going into the mines to look for Josh and my best friend y/n . I miss her so much please don't tell me she's dead I thought I shivered and Mike seen me and said " It's ok Jess she will be ok" , "it's her fault for coming here and tried to get Josh " Emily aka the bitch said .

"No it wasn't I cant believe you haven't change since the last time we were here you bitch!!" I exclaimed getting angry " Well you girls stop!" Matt said tired of us fighting since I find out y/n gone after Joshua Washington . I was about to say something when we hear a shriek of an wendigo I slowly turned to see...... Y/N!!!!!!!

"y/n!!! It's you" I said about to go and hug her but Mike stopped me " Don't move a fucking muscle" Mike said " why?" I asked " she's a wendigo " Sam said scared

I looked closely at y/n and see Sam's right Y/n has grayish green eyes , her mouth is ripped because of her new fangs and she grown taller ." Y-y/n It's me Jessica your best friend " I said scared for her.

Y/n's eyes lit up and she shake her head like she controlling herself " Jess!" she said smiling everyone gasped "y/n"

We were about to go and hug her but we stopped when she said " no don't! i cant control myself yet" looking scared " It's ok y/n your not going to hurt us " Chris said tears in his eyes because he has to see his sister like this " Sis I'm glad your alive" Chris said and ran to her and hugged her making us frozen " C-chris this is not a good idea " y/n said hugging her brother

Then she suddenly bite Chris ear playfully " Ha! y/n stop you weirdo" Chris said she chuckled but it looks like she stopped breathing .

Chris stopped hugging her after ten minutes and everyone else hugged her except me I'm waiting to hug her last

"Y/n I missed you!" I said running to her and hugging her tightly sobbing "It's ok Jess I'm here" she said raspy " It's really hard to control yourself " I asked she nodded I let go and went with everyone when we hear another shriek of angry y/n crouched and growled .

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