The gang is back!

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Josh pov:
I sighed as my love is sleeping but whimper every once a while

I groan even though I have medicine in mine that numb the pain I still feel it badly

" Hey Josh" Jack said I nod not wanting to talk " I'm sorry about Swift and what she said" he said " it's fine its my fault " I said

I'm not going to lose her like I lost my sisters

We froze " what the hell!" Jack said " it's humans !! Not just any human it's y/ns brother and friends " I said growling

Chris will try to take my mate away from me I won't let that happen

Chris pov:
" Can we leave now!" Emily whined we all groan she's been complaining for hours

" No! Now shut the hell up!" I snap everyone chuckled except Emily

I just want to get my sister and leave this place again then we'll be a family again

We hear snarling " what are you doing here " a voice said I turn to see Josh

" Hey buddy " I said nervous he glare " josh I want to see my sister again I do anything!" I begged even if I become a wendigo

" Are you suggesting?" He asked I nod " where's my sister!" I exclaimed

" She's in our doctors room healing for trying to kill herself" Josh said whimpering

We all gasp " why!!! Is she ok?!" Jess asked panicked " she's fine " he said

We all hear a roar and we backed away slowly I see a big ass wendigo " Josh who are these people?" The wendigo command

" This is my loves friends and brother Chris ... he wants to see her again even if he changes into us" he explained

He chuckled " I'm Jack the leader of the wendigos " Jack said " leader? I didn't they have leaders" Sam said

Jack nods " want to see your sis?" He asked I nod " yes more than anything " I said holding Ashs hand

Jack just smirked with Josh

Should I turn the others to Wendigos ? So Chris can be with his sister vote below in the comments

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