News! And Other Things

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Ok so I have been getting a lot of positive comments from u guys aka my readers! U guys are so sweet and nice! like I can't believe I actually have 5.9K on Kidnaped I mean WOW! it seems like not awhile ago I only had 1.5K I was so grateful for even that much! But it's grown. I feel so blessed to have you all. I just wanna tell u personal the person that is reading this right now thank you. thank you for all ur support, comments, votes etc. i couldn't have got to where I am now without u guys. Hopefully the numbers will keep growing and I get on the popular page right ;) hehe. anyways just I love all of u guys and I've got some news! I tried to do a Christmas special but I didn't finish in time but I will probably still post it. and soon after I get that up on here there will be a valentines chapter coming. My goal is to get it up the day before valentines or maybe the day of. So yeah stay alert for that and I guess that's it so yeah have a great day! don't let anyone bring u down! Kk Luv u guys bye bye!.!.!.!.!

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