chocolate, chasing what next Nightmares of the past

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heyya guys i just wanted use to please read 'New Home, New Love' its by JoJo984 its a pretty good story.

Chapter 12.


I hope in the passengers seat and she drove home singing to the radio, i love her voice, i cant wit to mate with her.

Recap over.

Rose POV

i went to my room after driving from the club, i walked into my bathroom and filled up the bathtub with warm water and put bubble bath in it so now theres BUBBLES, bubbles are fun and entertaining mwhahaha, i strip of my clothes and jumped into the bathtup and grabe my yellow ubber ducky family and let them float around on the water, oe filled up with too much water and drownsed so i had to save it hehe im tooooooooo nice, when i was done i walked into my cupboard and put on boxers with my black rip of pants on top and grabed a black tight singlit and chucked a BIG baggy shirt over top and walked downstairs and ate some chocolate when i was done i sat done on the counter facing the window, i heard someone come in i think it was andy oh well

"what happen to all the chocolate" he said and spun around facing me but my backs to him,

i replied with "i dont know" then i turned to him and he looked angry.

"what are you so angry about?"

"because you lied, you ate all the chocolate"

"what i would never"

"then why is there chocolate smudged all around your mouth?"

"how am i supposed to no"

"your the one that ate it"

"IT WAS YOUR TEDDY BEAR HES SOO EVIL" i yelled and ran off haha, not haha or long cuz i can here his footsteps behnd me uh oh

i was running down the hallways yelling "HELP ME< HELP ME THERES A MAN THAT CUDDLES WITH TEDDIES BLAMING ME ABOUT SOMETHING OF CHOCOLATE< IMMMMM IONNOCENT...................YOULL NEVER CATCH ME ALVE TEDDIES MAN" thats when i got pulled into katlins room trying not to laugh about what i was doing but she ended up giggling and he burst in ANDY he looked evil with his face twisted like that maybe i should tell him that

"heyy andy, hows it going, why do you look SO evil?"

"dont give me that look, now both of use downstairs"

we walk out down the stairs and into the dinning room and sit on the chairs while andy walks out and stops in front of everyone, we heard stomping down the stair thats when evryone walked in to see whats going on our backs were to them and andy was facing them and they cant ven see my covered choco face and katlin hasnt even notice its there yet mawhaha so any way andy starts his lettre blah blah blh all i got out of t is chocolate, gone, noe left for others and helping the bad ones out,

everyone looked confused thats when andy said.

"rose would you like to come out here and apoligized to everyone about the chocolate?"

"noo" i replied back

"oh you said yes fantastic"

i stood up and turned around and faced everyone and said "im sorry everyone but i dont know what happen to the chocolate" thats when i looked up and everyone was looking me and then to the chocolate covered area and had amused looks on there face.

soeone said "if you didnt know what happen to the chocolate maybe your covered chocolate mouth will no what happen to it" everyone statd to laugh from thtat.

i waltz into the kitchen and washed my grubby hand and mouth thats when katlin walked in and said "i eally wonder what happen to the choco it just couldnt grow 2 legs and run off with out anyone eating it" while staring my in the eye

i just shrugged and walked off into my room ad fel on the bed and drift off to sleep

$_$///// l_-/////// Dream///// l_-////////$_$

i was in a meadow with flowes everywhere thats when i turned to jason, he bend down on one knee and pulled out a rinng nd ask me to marry him, that was the happisest day of my life then everything started to twist around and thats when i saw jason fighting for his life and in the end he was just tortured and killed,now its the day of the funeral thats when i saw HIM the guy i use to have nightmares about, but i dont tell anyone because i could just be loseing my mind so i just leave it alone then suddenly everything goes black and ..... i wake up.

$&%$%^&^%end of dream^^%^^&%^%&

Im scared again but stil no one to comfort me and the loniness sets in again i depised it, it makes me feel so weak but i dont show anyone these emotions beside jason but what does it matter hes not here anymore, time to get my feeling out, i get out of bed go into the closet dress in aqua skinnys a black top with the sleeves to my elbows and supra TK scoity blue-black studded hightops but the blue lookes more aqua, i have my hair down straight with a black beanie on and whent into my secre area haha time to go hunting mawhaha, so i grabbed some weapons if you were wondering what they are ill gie you a clue lots of bomb bomb hehe oh and phew phew and other things hehe ill tell you one are throwing knives, look out cuz im going for you mawhahaha, im not evil letting you know.

i turn invisible and walk away with what i need and i drive to the location ii need o be for this to work.



  i need charaters you chose the names style and what they look like and if they are evil or good ohkaaaiiii any way rose as hirlary duff, i found a photo with her and brown hair so yer i dont know how to add photos somene please teach me how and please 




FAN and ill lovees you for life 

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