where the hell am i?

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Chapter 6.


"GET THE HELL OFF ME" i yelled

"no" a guy said in my ear.


Jeeze doesnt guy know that its hard for me to breathe.

"can you please get off me" i said in my nicest and innocent voice but i dont think it worked.

"hahaha you really think thats going to work for me!" he said

" well i was hoping it did"

"but it didnt"

"no need to rub it in my face"

"sweety im not rubbing it in your face this is-"

i was about to say somthing but was cut of by the guy pushing my head down in the mud and rubbing it in, ewwww

"you got some nerve there, boy" i said after he was done.

"yupp, and sweety your coming with me!"

"what no, and stop calling me pet names"

"well i dont know your name,.........SWEETY"

"arrghhh, your soo dead"

"thats if you can kill me, sweety"

i tried wriggling around trying to get out underneath him but that was an epic fail, i turned around so im facing him. his face was a couple of centermetres away and damn he looked hawt.

he started to get off of me but just as i was bout to get up and bolt he grabs my around the waist and chucked me over his shoulder, i didnt notice that he put on pants he must of done it quickly when i was getting up s....l.....o...w.....l.....y. dumb idea but then again i cant complain i do have a nice view :P

we arrived at a pack house minutes late and man my stomach hurts from his shoulder, i wasnt paying atenton to where we were or where he was taken me but when i was let down i was in a bathroom he looked at me.

"take a shower and get that mud of you, oh and here some clothes for after wards."

"ohkaaiii thanx." man why did i say thanx oh well when he walked out i locked the door and stripped of the muddy clothes and jump in the nice and warm shower i washed my body and hair and jumped out. i put on the clothes and looked at my self in the mirror, i was wearing a guys shirt that came to midthigh and boxers underneath............. DEFINITLY guys clothes 100 percent sure.

i quickly but my mixed brown coloured hair in a messy bun with my blue eyes staring straight back at me, i walked out of the bathroom to run into someone. i looked up to find that guy that brought e here, man those blue and green eyes mixed together, they looked beautiful his black hair just below his ears and tattoos up and down his arms not to metion the very sexy snake bites. damn i shouldnt be thinking like that.

"bout time you got out, come one time to meet my pack and ask some questions."

"ohk-aaaiiii" i wasnt sure about this but i followed him downsairs.

i walked into a large room and all eyes turned to me


haha sorry i took FOREVER well i am lazy and i decided to do it tonight...... haha i nearly fell asleep in class yesterday soooooo close haha any way im so nice but i would like 20 votes before the next chapter

IM SORRY i took foreverto write hehe

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