The password

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Look im so sorry that i havent uploaded yet, ive been VERY lazy ltely even though i moved back to my home tow, live with my nanna then get kicked out and now im at my sisters best friends mothers place, (with my sister) but hey im back at school and failed my exams because i didnt know a thing......oh well i guess ill catch up after the holidays :)

Chapter 11.


"no but i was command to kill him and get what i need and i read his file, why are you here?" he said

"im here because i want to be here, whos your boss?" i replied

I was studing him as he looked deep in thought, as i was getting impaitent " William lexiem, why do you want to know?" he replied while glaring at me

"well, thats non of your buisness........boy..." i said 

i heard foot steps coming up the stairs as i faced the guy standing in front of and said "well i believe they are coming so yer lets hide" i said while running to the bookshelf and looked through finding the right boof and pulling it and walked in with the guy behind me, not even 2 minutes after the shelf closed the office door flew open as i heard it crash against the wall so hard that it rebounded and slam them in the face as i heard thr grunts and moans coming from them, i turned and faced the boy, man, dude, guy well whatever he is and said,

"whats your name?"

"Toby redwin what about you?" he replied

"Rose!" i said 

we kept walking down the secret lair, 10 minutes later we stoped at a door, toby tried opening it without noticing the lock, "move" i said 

he moved out of the way letting me through as i walked up to the door and pressed the bottom to make the lock apear so it is not hidden and typed in 'LadyWillis' as that was his wife old last name, after they married and she had 2 kids she fell ill and died, the door swung open, intupting my thoughts and we walked in together.

I know its sooo short but thats because i havent updatedin a long time and i just made it short because i really need a shower after nearly getting squished by the bin and baking the rest of the day haha well i try and update sooner next time

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