Chapter 3

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Chloe's POV

It's Friday night and I decided to go to the party, I know it's probably a terrible idea but you know what? I don't care, my life sucks anyways I might as well try a party before I graduate

I picked out a pretty black dress, tight and quite short, I don't even know what I'm doing but screw it, I curl my hair and do my makeup then look at myself in the mirror

I actually look pretty okay

This is it, my chance to make some friends and be seen as something other than that nerdy girl who's a year younger than everyone else in her classes

I didn't intend to be the schools nerd, I don't even see myself as a nerd but apparently everyone else does sooooo

I grab my bag and head for my car

"Bye mom!" I calm but then remember, she's not actually home

I head for the party, dear god let's do this

Ryan's POV

I was at the party, already on my second drink and waiting for something stronger, Brittney had been all over me so I figured I'd take her upstairs soon but then it happened

Some girl, like a really hot girl walked in a my eyes were caught on her

I could swear I recognise her but I can't figure out why, then I get it

"Shit is that nerd girl, what's her name Sophie? Gracie?" I say, I can't remember her name

"Chloe isn't it?" One of the guys reminds me, that's the one

"Yeah that's her isn't it?" I ask them

"Woah is it?" One amid then says in shock

I stay quiet for a moment and then a smirk spreads across my face as I come up with an idea

"I say we make a bet" I suggest and the others look at me, intrigued "we all know she's a virgin, I say first one to take it, all the others have to give him ten bucks each"

They all laugh and agree

This is gonna be a fun night then

"How do we know they did it?" One of them asks

"I think we'll be able to figure out who fucked her, it's whoever takes her upstairs and then comes back down before her" I reply with a smirk across my face, I got this

Brittney comes over and tried to pull me onto the dance floor but I pull my arm free and walk away from her

Chloe's POV

I got to the party and took a deep breath and then got out of my car and went in

It was so weird, I walked in and people were staring at me, not like glaring or anything bad, like they actually liked me

Someone wolf whistled and I jumped a little, I saw Ryan with his friends, whispering to each other, he had an evil look grin, when he realised I was looking at him he smiled at me

It was so weird, Ryan never even noticed me normally, maybe he might have actually like me like this?

He started walking over to me and I panicked quite a bit, calm down Chloe or hell just keep thinking you're a total dork forever

Just as he was about to get to me I quickly took a deep breath and prepared for this, I mean was he really coming over to me? He hasn't actually spoken to me other than to mock me since 8th grade

Then I happens, I think I might be about to die

"Hey" he says in the most nonchalant voice I've ever heard

"H...hi" I reply


Uh oh...they put a bet on it, will Ryan really have the lack of a heart required to go through with it? Or will he put a stop to it in time? Xoxo

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