Chapter 14

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Ryan's POV

My terror when I saw what Brittney did was insane, my heart literally shattered as I saw her foot hit Chloe's stomach knowing my child was in there

We just got to the hospital, I tried to help her get out but she just couldn't stand so I grabbed her up and ran inside with her huddled against my chest

I ran up to reception and immediately explained myself

"My friends pregnant, this girl at our school kicked her hard in the stomach and now she's in a lot of pain" I explained and she nodded, we were immediately ushered into a room and minutes later a doctor came in

"Okay so explain this to me slowly" he told me so I did

"This is Chloe, she's 17 and pregnant, it's my kid and when I broke up with my ex she picked a fight with Chloe, tripped her to the ground and then kicked her pretty hard in the stomach, now she's in a lot of pain and she's worried that she's miscarried" I explain to him

"Okay, let's take a look" he tells us, she looks really nervous so I hold her hand for support, she looks at me nervously so I give her a smile in support

The doctor lifts up her shirt and I see the adorable little bump she's got now, it's so beautiful

"How many weeks are you?" He asked her as he put the gel on her stomach, she flinched as he did but then settled again

"14 weeks, almost 15" she tells him and he nods

He moves the wand around and suddenly the sound of a little heartbeat fills the room, that's our baby's heartbeat, woah

A picture comes up in the screen ad there it is, a tiny bit fully formed, perfect little human inside Chloe, that's just so insane

"Okay well we're gonna want to keep you in here overnight to monitor you, your baby looks a little distressed but there doesn't appear to be any permanent damage so you should be just fine, be more careful from now on though" he tells us and then leaves, yeah, like Brittney was just gonna listen if we told her no

"You want me to call your mom?" I ask, getting out my phone

"No!" She responds hurriedly and nervously, I look at her in confusion but she hides her face from me

"Chloe what happened?" I ask in reference to her mom but she just ignores me

"Chloe?" I ask again and this time she turns to look at me

"When I told her I was pregnant she kicked me out, I've been staying with my sister ever since" she explained to me and I went wide eyed, I could feel it

"What?!" I reply in shock and anger, how could a mother just kick her daughter out because she was pregnant?

"Yeah, well she and I were never very close, she was always closer to Claire and I was a daddy's girl, she took it pretty hard when he passed away and it kinda made things between us pretty tense, she might come around one day but until then I guess I'll have to deal with it, it's okay though, Claire said I can stay with her as long as I need and then I have enough money from my dad to be able to get an apartment, plus I can work, I'll figure it out" all that is crazy, how can she be so strong and so brave?

"I'm so sorry" I tell her, she looks at me and nods with an awkward smile

"It's okay, it's not your fault" she tells me, why is she so nice? She should hate me

"Kinda is but yeah" I point out I mean I got her pregnant

"Whatever, I mean maybe at first I wasn't very happy I was pregnant, but now, I wouldn't trade this for anything" she is just so amazing, I think I'm totally falling for this girl right now but she probably hates me because I was such a jerk

Then I do something stupid

We're looking into each other's eyes and for some reason I can't resist the urge to lean in and kiss her, gently this time, not at all sexual but still stupid, I was finally building something with her and now she'll think I just want to screw her again or something

She pulls away in shock

"I shouldn't have done that, I'm so sorry, ugh I'm so stupid" I say but then she shocks me

She pulls me back in and we begin to makeout


So the baby's okay but there was definitely a shock or two in there, they just madeout, what do you think that will mean for them?

ALSO I LEGIT CANNOT STOP SMILING, I just got to talk to one of my best friends ever dovecamcc and have a proper conversation over FaceTime, I can't get over it, I'm just so happy, I'm so thankful for Lia, she's so amazing, everyone should go check out her works because she's so amazing, ILYSM LIA I CAN'T WAIT TO DO IT AGAIN
💖💖💖💖 xoxo

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