Chapter 17

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Ryan's POV

She insisted on changing into something more presentable even though I told her she looked fine and she should wear whatever made her feel comfortable

She was so insanely worried she was showing it was crazy, she couldn't pick anything for fear you could see her stomach

Finally she picked something out, she looked beautiful, she had in all the other outfits she'd tried on but she definitely looked stunning in this, it was a cute white dress with Lacey shoulders and just flowy enough that her bump wasn't visible at all and she was sure of it

We put her stuff into my car and then we began our journey back to my house

It was an hour drive so I told her to get in the back and take a nap, a suggestion she begrudgingly agreed was the right thing to do

After the hour long drive we finally pulled up outside my house

"Babe wake up, we're here" I let it slip out before thinking, I had hoped she wouldn't catch what I'd said but to no avail

"Did you just call me babe?" She ask me in uncertainty

"Mayyyyybeeeeeee" I say, nervous about her response

"Okay" was her only reply and then she got out, that definitely confused me at least a little bit

I get out with her, she goes to grab her bag but I stop her before she can

"Nope, you're carrying enough" I say in reference to the baby, I know she's not supposed to do any heavy lifting when she's pregnant, I mean, doesn't everybody know that?

"I'm fine, it's just one bag and a rucksack, I can manage" she defends her actions but I still turn her down

"Rucksack, that's light enough, but I'm taking this bag, it's pretty heavy" I tell her, it isn't really that heavy if was expecting her to pick wayyyyy more but yeah, she still ain't carrying it

"Fine" she surrenders, she grabs the rucksack and heads for the door, I grab her bag, lock the car and follow her

My parents aren't home just yet so I unlock the door and let her in, once I'm in I shut the door and lead her up to my room

"So this is the room of THE Ryan McCartan" she mocks me and I laugh in response

"Yeah I guess it is" I reply awkwardly

We unpack her stuff a little so she feels a bit more settled in and then suddenly I hear a familiar voice

"Ryan! We're home!" My mom calls up to me

"You ready?"I ask her and she smiles nervously

"Uh, yeah, I hope so" she agrees anxiously

I take her hand, give it a quick squeeze and then lead her downstairs

"Mom, dad, this is Chloe, the girl I was telling you about" I introduce her

My mom immediately pulls Chloe into a hug, she's quite shocked to begin with but then she hugs back

"Thank you for letting me stay here" Chloe thanks my mom and she smile

"Of course honey" my mom replies affectionately, I knew she'd like Chloe

"Hi Chloe, I'm Mr McCartan, how are you?" He asks sweetly, I knew he'd like her too

"I'm okay, how are you?" She's trying so hard to keep her cool and she's so failing, it's adorable

"We're very well thank you" he answers her

"Mom, dad, we need to talk to you" I start and Chloe's grip on my hand tightens, I stroke it gently with my thumb and she settles down slowly

We all went into the living room and sat down, I took a deep breath and then went for it

"There was a party a few months back, things happened and....well....Chloe's pregnant with my baby" I finally admit to my parents

I watch nervously at their reactions, they look at each other and then back at me

"How far along?" My mom asks Chloe

"Just under 15 weeks" she tells her, clearly afraid

"You're keeping it?" My dad asks and she nods

"And you're both okay with this?" My my mom enquiries and we both nod

"Okay then" my dad says and they both smile

"'re not mad?" Chloe asks nervously

"If you're happy about this then why should we have a problem?" My mom asks, clearly unable to see a problem with this, god I love my mother

"O...okay" Chloe replies, shocked

"Why would you think we'd be mad?" My dad asks her and she just looks at me, clearly not wanting to say it

I hold her a little tighter to me to make her feel safe and then I tell them

"Chloe told her mom and she kicked her out, that's why she's living with her sister an hour away" I explain and they both look at her sadly

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry" my mom says soothingly

After a while of talking about it we had dinner and then they left soon after, once they were gone we snuggled up together on the couch

"That went well" I point out and she nods against my chest

"Thank you, for sticking with me" she thanks me

I more a strand of hair away from her face and caress her cheek gently

"You've completely changed me Chloe Hosterman, I'm a completely new man, how did you manage that?" I ask her curiously

She takes my hand and places it on her little bump

"That's how" she tells me and I chuckle a little

"Very true" I reply

"We can find out the gender soon" she tells me

"Woah, really?" I ask her in shock

"Yeah" she replies

"What do you think it is?" I ask her and watch her really think about it

"I don't know, I can't really tell" she replied finally

"Well, we'll soon see won't we" I say as I kiss the top of her head gently

God this girl has completely changed me, it's insane that I've completely become a new person in the space of a few weeks, maybe I should've had a kid like a year ago, I might have been way less of an asshole to her

I regret every single thing I ever did to her, I finally see how much of a dick I was to her, why was I so horrible?


While facetiming Lia earlier I promised another chapter so here it is, do you trust them? Is everything finally going well? Could we finally have happily ever after? Let me know what you think xoxo

Also, sidenote, Lia were literally talking on FaceTime while she was reading the last one and it was so funny 😂😂💖💖

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