Chapter 13

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Chloe's POV

It was a few weeks later, 2 weeks before graduation, I was walking through the halls when suddenly I was tripped up, I fell to the ground pretty hard

I turned around to see Brittney, she looked pretty pissed

"Ryan just dumped me and it's your fault!" She screamed

It was terrifying, she was so angry, I was on the floor with no one to help me and she was there and she was angry

"You're such a slut and a bitch! What the duck isn't wrong with you?! You're just a stupid little nerdy whore!" She screamed at me in front of all of the school and not a single person even considered trying to stop her or defend me

Then she does it, the thing that might just hurt me most in the world

She kicked my stomach, hard, 14 weeks pregnant and she just kicked me in the stomach

I felt really sick, there was a shockwave of pain spreading through my body, I could barely move, I just led on my back as tears fell fast from my eyes

I don't think she was gonna stop but then a teacher came out to find out what was going on, my algebra teacher, the only one who's ever cared to really try and help me

"Alright everyone go to class!" He yelled but people didn't seem to listen to him "NOW!" He yelled so loudly it made me jump, which hurt even more

Everyone shuttled away except him and one other person by my vision was going blurry so I couldn't see who

Whoever it was was quickly down beside me and my head was soon in their lap, they took my hand as sir knelt down beside me as well

"What happened?" Sir asked but I could barely breathe let alone speak

"Brittney happened" the guy said and upon hearing his voice I knew exactly who it was

"Ryan?" I managed to whisper and he squeezed my hand

"I'm here Chlo" he tells me, chlo? He's never called me that before

"The baby" I say through tears

He carefully got up and picked me up bridal style

"What does she mean?" Sir asks him in confusion

"She's pregnant" Ryan tells him and he I can hear his breath catch

"Take her to the hospital" he tells Ryan hurriedly "I'll have you both excused" he promises and then sends us on our way

"It hurts" I tell Ryan as he carries me out of school

"Okay, I'm gonna get you to the hospital and there gonna check you're okay" he explains to me but I can feel myself shaking

"What if I lost the baby?" I ask him, still crying a lot

He opens the car door, carefully puts me in then goes around round to the other side, he gets in and starts driving

"Don't think like that, it'll be okay, you're both gonna be okay" he tells me but I don't know how I'm supposed to believe him

"I can't lose it" I tell him worriedly, crying my eyes out still

"I'm so sorry Chloe, I should've protected you, not sent her on a warpath, I just wanted to show you I could focus on you and the baby" he tells me and I'm completely shocked

"W...what?" I ask in a loss for any other words

"What you said, it made me realise what I am isn't what I want to be, you and our baby deserve someone to be there for you" he tells me and I look at him in shock

"So you do want a part in this?" I ask him, unsure

"If you'll let me" he explains

I don't know what I'm supposed to say, I can barely think, I'm still in so much pain, he can clearly tell

"You don't have to say anything now, just focus on you" he tells me and I just nod, I can't help but think about it, how could he just suddenly change like that?


Well that was a lot in one go, what's gonna happen? Will she lose the baby? We're you shocked by Ryan's response to all this? What's gonna happen between them? I know but what do you think will happen? Xoxo

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