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Technically the description not a prologue but eh

High school senior Ryan McCartan is a total jock, every guy wants to be him, every girl wants to date him....well, almost every girl

Chloe Hosterman is the schools biggest 'nerd', she's actually just a girl who gets good grades and was pushed up a year so she could graduate early, maybe that made her a nerd, but she couldn't see how

All she'd ever wanted was to have friends and be liked, not to be popular but to be liked not laughed at

People sneered at her in the halls and it really hurt her, one particular person to be so cruel to her was Ryan himself, shed always had a crush on him but he'd never know that because he didn't give a shit about her

One night at a party however a dare would change everything

With her life forever changed how would Chloe survive this? And could Ryan ever change when presented with something better than a life of partying and caring about no one but himself?

When presented with something that could be the best thing that had ever happened to him would he be able to see it for what it was and take it? Or would he just let that one night stand ruin a girls life and make her deal with the aftermath all by herself?


Okay so this is the prologue, who wants a chapter 1? Xoxo

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